CHAPTER 26:Moving

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The decision had come after weeks of Luna shuttling between her apartment in Paris and Harrison's family estate. Willow had been insistent, her eyes filled with concern as she spoke to her sister.

"Luna, you can't keep living like this, constantly moving back and forth. It's exhausting for you and the kids," Willow had urged.

Luna hesitated, worried about imposing on Harrison's family. "I don't want to burden them, Willow. They've already done so much for us."

Willow smiled, her voice gentle. "Luna, they adore you and the children. They want you here. Harrison wants you here. It's not a burden; it's an invitation to be part of a loving family."

Luna considered her sister's words and realized that she did want a stable home for Harper and Hazel, especially after the tumultuous events of the past. She had already grown fond of the estate and the peaceful garden where she often found solace.

When Luna broached the subject with Harrison, he had been nothing but supportive. "Luna, I want you and the kids here with us. It makes sense for all of us to be together, to be a family."

Clove, Snow, and the rest of Harrison's siblings had echoed his sentiments, assuring Luna that they had more than enough space in their vast family home. Luna had finally relented, agreeing to move in permanently.

It had been a relief to settle into a home where Harper and Hazel could have a sense of stability and a loving extended family. Luna found herself becoming more at ease, and her bond with Harrison deepened as they navigated the joys and challenges of parenthood together.

The family home in Paris had become a sanctuary, a place where Luna, Harrison, Harper, and Hazel could heal and build a future together. As Luna looked back on those moments, she couldn't help but be grateful for the love and support that had entered her life, giving her a chance at happiness once again.

Luna and Harrison were enjoying a leisurely family lunch at a charming Parisian restaurant. The sun bathed the courtyard in a warm, golden glow, and laughter echoed around the table. Harrison's family had welcomed Luna and her children with open arms, making them feel like an integral part of their lives.

As they savored their meal, Luna's gaze drifted to the entrance of the restaurant. Her heart skipped a beat when she spotted Diamond walking in. She looked different than Luna remembered—more mature, perhaps wiser. Luna felt a mixture of emotions—surprise, apprehension, and curiosity.

Diamond's eyes met Luna's from across the room, and there was a fleeting moment of tension before Diamond approached their table. Luna tensed up, but Harrison squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Hello," Diamond greeted them with a polite smile, her eyes filled with regret. "I hope I'm not intruding. May I join you for a moment?"

Harrison glanced at Luna, who nodded hesitantly. Diamond took a seat, and Luna found herself holding her breath, unsure of what to expect.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking," Diamond began, her tone sincere. "I want to apologize for how I acted in China and for the way I treated you, Luna. It was wrong, and I deeply regret it."

Luna blinked in surprise, her guard slowly lowering. "Thank you," she replied, her voice soft. "I appreciate your apology."

Diamond continued, her gaze shifting to Harrison. "Harrison, you've changed a lot since we were together. I see that now, and I can't help but feel envious of Luna. She's lucky to have you."

Harrison nodded, his expression thoughtful. "People change, Diamond. Life has a way of teaching us valuable lessons. Luna and I have been through a lot, and it's made us stronger."

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