Denki Kaminari x Male Reader

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Denki Kaminari x Male Reader

"Ah~... Hah~!... Mmmnn~... p-please~.."

Quiet whimpers could be heard falling from loose lips.

Slow rythmic wet thrusts could be heard.

It was dark, the room felt hot.

The dorms were largely quiet, quiet music here and there - a few movies playing.

So why was he being so loud?

The blabbermouth in question was none other than Denki Kaminari.

"Shh... B-be- ah~... Be q-quiet~.." Y/N moaned softly into Denki's ear.

Shifting his hands on Denki's thighs.

Denki moaned softly, pushing his face into Y/N's neck, hands clutching onto the back of Y/N's shirt in ecstasy.

Trying to pull his partner even closer, even though there was hardly any breathing room as it was already.

Panting softly against Y/N.

The closet the two were in felt blazing hot, the very limited space didnt help either.

The two were sat on the floor - to prevent the sound of the two knocking around from any other position. Besides there wasn't any room for anything else.

Y/N had told him to keep his closet cleaner instead of throwing every mess in there - but of course the blonde didn't listen.

So that led to Denki being sat on Y/Ns lap.

"I-Im not the o-only one... Mmh... F-feeling g-good..." Denki whimpered, shivering as he clutched tighter to Y/N.

Y/N huffed, continuing to both thrust his hips and move his partner with his hands cupped on the back of Denki's thighs.

Denki had his arms wrapped around Y/Ns neck, frantically trying to keep him as close as humanly possible.

Which still didnt seem like enough for the horny hound of a electric quirk.

"Q-quiet- F-Fuck! P-Please~...!" Y/N whimpered, shifting slightly but continuing his pace.

Denki - panting softly, giving a soft moan or whimper with each thrust, shifting slightly in Y/N's grasp.

Shuddering, eyes love struck as he bit his lip at the stimuli of his bare cock rubbing up against Y/N's stomach - shirt pulled up by Denki's clawwing grubby paws.

"I-Im... t-t-trying~..!" He pants barely above a ghost of a whisper.

Both of them winded from trying their best to stay silent.

Both of them equally close to orgasm, they've been at it for a while.

Denki wordlessly biting his lip, focusing on trying something - pivoting his hips slightly, humping into Y/Ns bare stomach.

Y/N panted quietly, noticing this almost instantly, being able to tell this wasnt a mistake anymore.

Denki clawwed Y/Ns back, trying to bring him closer. Burying his face into Y/Ns neck, trying his best to hold back from biting.

Y/N was able to feel Denki's cock throb against his skin with each touch, the steadily increasing sticky wetness building up on his abdomen from Denki's excitement.

Denki shuddered, the sensation bringing a form of pleasure.

"O-Oh.... p-please..." Denki whimpered quietly.

He was getting so close.

Y/N moaned quietly, grabbing a firm hold of Denki's thighs, shifting the two so he could get a better angle.

Male x Male Reader Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now