Chapter 1

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Peter sat his milk down on the counter and rubbed his hands together. It was early January in New York. It was freezing outside and the cool drink didn't help. Peter was on his way to work he decided to stop at a gas station near his apartment for breakfast.

"That'll be 2.67." The chaser said he waited patiently as Peter pulled his wallet out of his pocket and began to dig through it for the money. Peter frowned when he pulled out two dollars, only two dollars.

"Sorry give me a sec." Peter mumbled he dug around in his pockets. Peter cursed to himself in his head when he didn't find any of the spare change he thought he had in his pair of jeans. Must have gotten lost on one of his patrols or Peter had used it and not remembered.

With his bad sleep schedule a lot of things slipped Peter's memories. Peter didn't even have enough for actual food let alone the milk he wanted. Peter had to budget tightly just to pay rent. Sometimes he even had to avoid his landlord for a couple of days if he couldn't pay. Peter was surprised he hadn't been kicked out yet but the apartments were so dirt poor Peter figured his landlord didn't want to deal with the trouble of finding a new tenant.

"What's wrong sir? If you don't have enough step away from the register people are waiting. What daddy didn't give you enough milk money?" The cashier said he sounded slightly annoyed.

"Hurry it up kid people have places to be!" man shouted from behind him, poking Peter with his cane. Peter had to resist to turn around and snap at him. It wasn't his fault that Peter was poor but he could be nicer about it. Besides Spiderman was supposed to help people not be rude to them even as bad as he wanted to be.

Peter clenched his jaw. The young man was about to move out of the way when someone walked into the store. Everyone was staring at the newcomer and the Cashier's jaw dropped prompting Peter to finally look at him.

A man in a red and black leather costume that looked a little too close to his in Peter's opinion was standing in the doorway of the small gas station. He was covered head to toe in weapons two katanas strapped to his back and a gun holstered onto his thigh.

The strange man walked around the staring people like he wasn't armed to the teeth with weapons. He walked to the spinning wrack of breakfast burritos that was next to Peter. Peter was staring also but he snapped out of it. Peter's Spidey sense wasn't going off despite how armed the man was but Peter still took caution.

The man grabbed an arm full of burritos way more than the average person could eat. He deposited them on the counter in front of the cashier who was still in shock. "Are you in line?" The man said he turned around to look at Peter.

Peter shook his head no as he sidestepped the man. Peter didn't know if he would do anything but he didn't want to be near him if he did. Peter would have to run for the nearest ally and hope he made it back in time as Spiderman.

"Want your milk?" The red and black clad stranger asked holding it out to Peter. Peter stared at his hand for a few seconds before shaking his head no. "Why? You paid for it didn't you?" Wade asked as he dangled it in front of Peter's face.

Peter felt his ears turn red in embarrassment. "I didn't have enough so I'll just be leaving…" He admitted he didn't know why he said that. But the man might persist he take it if he didn't. If Peter took it it'd be stealing even if it was just chocolate milk he would feel bad. Peter was raised to have morals okay?

"Oh well no problem add this to my tab good sir." The man said, smiling too wide to be friendly.

"O-okay." The cashier said stumbling over his own words. Peter felt the corner of his lip go up at the terrified cashier. The guy had been rude to him while he probably didn't deserve it Peter did feel a hint of amusement at his terror.

The cashier hurriedly rang up the mystery man's items. Peter counted the burritos as he rang them up and moved them to the other side of the counter. Peter blinked in shock as he counted the final one. Fourteen. The mystery guy had bought fourteen burritos.

Peter thought the guy must have some kind of mutant powers if he needed that many. Peter could probably eat that many after a patrol with his constant hunger. Peter was always hungry no matter how much he ate. It never felt like enough. Not to mention sometimes he didn't get to eat at all if his limited paycheck didn't allow it.

Peter was glad for his powers; they allowed him to go longer than the average person. Peter was sure at one point he hadn't eaten for a week after he had first moved out of aunt May's. He had just gotten his own apartment and didn't know how to budget so he went through money faster than he could afford.

Peter had learned his lesson sorta. He still had problems scrounging up money judging by his mistake with his milk. The cashier was done a few minutes later he moved all of the mystery man's food to the front of the counter so that he could be as far from him as soon as possible.

"Thank you sweetheart remember not to make fun of people's dead dad's anymore mk? Otherwise yours might be next." The man said cheerfully he reached into one of his many pouches across his chest. Peter felt his Spidey sense go off and he tensed up getting ready to web the guy's hand.

The mystery man pulled a stack of money out of his pocket and sat it down on the counter well more like slammed it. He then pulled out a small knife and stuck it in the money for extra effect. He patted the cashier on the head condescendingly like he would a dog before walking towards the door.

Peter couldn't just keep calling this guy the mystery man he needed his name. Peter also rationalized that he'd need to know it so he could do more research as Spiderman to learn more about the crazy guy clad in red and black spandex loaded to the brim with weapons he also just seemed to have a few screws loose which wasn't a good combination for a guy like that.

"What's your name?" Peter asked quietly so quietly he was worried the guy hadn't heard it at first. The guy stopped one hand on the door the other carrying the massive amount of burritos he'd gotten.

"Deadpool. But I think you're cute so you can call me Wade Wilson if you want to cutie." Wade said he winked at Peter. The spider hero felt his entire face turn red had that guy just called him cute? Wade walked back over to him and the guy towered above him by at least six inches.

"Here I noticed you didn't have anything to eat." Wade said he handed Peter one of his many burritos before exiting the store. Peter stared at it in shock. Deadpool sure was an intresting guy. He had come into the store like he wasn't dressed in leather and paid for Peter's food for some reason. Because he thought he was cute?

Peter felt his cheeks warm again as he thought of Wade's words. Peter exited the store shortly after the warmth of the burrito warmed his hands as he walked to work. Peter tore open the tin foil he stuffed it in the pocket before he took a bite of it. Peter smiled to himself what an odd but charming guy Deadpool seemed to be.

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