Chapter 5

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Peter had in the end not managed to convince Deadpool to take back the furniture. The mercenary had been adamant he keep it. Without receipts or any real way to return it Peter was stuck with the couch and recliner.

He wouldn't say he minded if it wasn't for the fact it was bought with Deadpool's money which he knew Deadpool didn't earn from a honest job. Deadpool wasn't working in business or something that paid that well; he was hired to murder people or steal things.

It seemed to be going well for him judging by how expensive the furniture looked. Peter felt guilty of ever using it even if it was stuck in his apartment. While Peter could easily remove it or even sell it Peter didn't have the time. As long as he didn't think about it the furniture was just an expensive unused out of place item in his eyesore of an apartment.

Peter continued to go to work and patrol like nothing had happened. Peter hadn't seen Deadpool in about two weeks Peter hadn't sought him out to lecture him again. Deadpool surprisingly hadn't contacted him either like Peter would have expected.

Peter expected a flood of texts from the clingy and obsessive mercenary instead it was silent. While Peter mostly ignored it he couldn't help but think maybe something was wrong. Deadpool was sought out by the government and multiple criminals. Something could have happened.

Peter thought about it mostly when his mind had the chance to wander. Like when he was grading papers Peter's thoughts were consumed with Deadpool when he wasn't even there. It was really annoying Peter decided to look around for the mercenary even if he simply hadn't decided to talk to Peter due to his rejection of the furniture it would still put him out of Peter's mind.

Peter didn't like Deadpool per say hell he barely tolerated him on a good day. Yet Deadpool was a person and if anyone else Peter knew disappeared he'd look for them. When Peter got home the hero pulled his phone out of his pocket and it was time to put this to rest.

Peter dialed Deadpool's number; he held his breath in anticipation when he heard the phone dialing his number. "HI this is your favorite mercenary Deadpool aka the sexy Wade Wilson leave your message at the tone BEEP!" Wade's voice message assaulted Peter's ears he covered his ears as the man shouted into his phone resulting in an annoying and loud voice mail.

Peter shook his head as he clicked the hangup button. He could leave a message but he had a bad feeling that Deadpool no Wade was separated from his phone if he hadn't contacted Peter. Peter didn't like Deadpool at all he convinced himself but Wade was his name and it wasn't hidden information judging by it being on his voice mail. Peter could use it besides it was shorter than Deadpool.

Peter sighed he was going to need some more information for his finding of Wade to happen. Peter pulled his laptop out of its case. It was old; he had it since he was a teenager in Midtown. It still worked despite being slow. Peter was going to do something illegal himself; at least it didn't top 96% of Wade's crimes.

Peter hacked into private records to find Wade's address. Peter had managed to get there about thirty minutes after finding the address. Peter landed on a window on an apartment building that looked like it cost more to live in a month than his apartment would be in twenty years.

Peter pulled on the window and it easily opened under his strength. Peter heard the window locks protest then crack as he forced it open. "I'll offer to pay for that later." Peter thought to himself knowing realistically that he couldn't afford it. Wade would just have to forgive him.

Peter landed on the carpet with a soft thud he looked around to see if anyone was there. All the lights in the house were off and his spider sense wasn't going off so he took that as his okay to start looking around. Nothing seemed to be broken or out of place.

Peter continued looking for clues he ended up in Wade's bedroom after a while of searching. Peter saw a phone sitting on his bedside table. Peter had a suspicion that it was Wade's phone that he hadn't used in the past two weeks. Peter called it and his suspicion was proven true when it lit up with his contact name which was Spidey in Wade's phone.

Now Peter knew Wade was missing; he wasn't just ignoring him. While there wasn't a sign of any struggle or breaking and entering except for Peter's own trespassing. It was apparent Wade hadn't been there in weeks judging by the thin layer of dust that was building up on things. Wade was missing now Peter just needed to figure out where he had gone.

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