Chapter 8

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"You have a whole ass kid?" Peter said he was pretty sure his mouth was wide open.

"Yup I have a daughter whose name is Eleanor but she prefers Ellie." Wade shrugged like he hadn't told Peter his genetics had been passed on to another human being.

"When? How?" Peter asked, still shocked.

"I had a kid with one of my exes. I didn't even know she existed until like a year ago. I'm trying to do the right thing though I see her on weekends and I pay child support." Wade said he was smiling as he talked about his daughter. He really seemed to like her. Peter smiled as well. It was surprising someone like Wade could have a kid but Peter was sure he was a good dad from the way he talked at least.

"That's interesting. I'm sure you're a great dad. I just didn't expect you to be a dad of all people, no offense." Peter said Wade nodded.

"Yeah I don't exactly come off as the fatherly type." Wade said, chuckling.

"So what are you going to order?" Peter asked curiously as he scanned over the menu. This was an actual restaurant instead of the taco truck Wade had taken him to last time.

"Easy chimichangas." Wade answered.

"Me too, I've never had anything here, might as well get what the Mexican food specialist recommends." Peter joked.

"Your jokes are almost as corny as mine. Almost. We've talked about me a lot but what about you Peter?" Wade asked Peter blinked. Wade said his name he hadn't really called him by his actual name a lot. Wade loved nicknames. So it felt weird and unfamiliar.

"Uh I'm not really that interested unless you count the whole hero thing." Peter whispered, shrugging.

"What do you do for work?" Wade asked curiously.

"I teach at Midtown High, ever heard of it? I'm just a substitute but it pays the bills sorta. Just teaching until the real teacher comes back from maternity leave. I'm still working on my science degree." Peter explained.

"Dang Spiderman teaches." Wade said grinning. "Kind of a boring job for a hero but I think it suits you." Wade said, winking at Peter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Peter you are literally a hot nerd twink I can see you being a teacher." Wade said.

"Am not." Peter said he was sure he was blushing at Wade's words.

"Yes you are." Wade corrected.

"Anyways Wade we have to talk about your affinity for buying me expensive things I don't want." Peter said he glared at Wade. Wade shrugged and he looked like he didn't really care that Peter was serious about this.

"I want to help." Wade whined.

"You do help plenty. I don't need all of the things you've gotten me. I appreciate it but I feel guilty for accepting anything more than like twenty dollars." Peter said he really hoped Wade would stop because Peter didn't know what he'd do if it happened a third time.

"Alright fine I'll stop buying you expensive stuff anymore without asking first. But only if you agree to accept the phone cause I still cracked it even if it already had cracks and I can still take you on dates." Wade said he held out his hand for Peter to shake. Peter rolled his eyes at the notion this was a date but he still grabbed Wade's hand and shook it. Wade grinned triumphantly Peter found his cheeks darkening Wade had a great smile.

"Woah where did that come from?" Peter thought to himself, shaking his head. Peter really needed to get a hold of himself, maybe he should make plans to go out with a girl. Peter hadn't been on a date in so long that he needed to get out. He was starting to have weird thoughts about Wade of all people. It wasn't his fault he was thinking strange when Wade was the only person he'd talked to other than his aunt and teenagers he taught in months.

"Good." Wade said he was inwardly screaming when he saw the color on Peter's cheeks. It could simply be embarrassment from having to shake Wade's hand but what if it was more? Wade didn't want to get his hopes up. If Peter had a chance of liking him Wade was more than willing to do anything.

Wade wouldn't be able to give gifts to his favorite spider hero anymore; he still could feed him though. Wade was more than happy to go on their dates as he called them even if Spidey disagreed on the title.

Peter made a note to text his aunt later about the mystery girl she had been trying to get him to hold on a date with since Gwen died. Peter wasn't thrilled about going on a date with anyone, especially some faceless girl. But if it would help with his new weird feelings for Wade it would be worth it.

Peter may not be ready but he figured he never would be. Gwen was the love of his life and she had been killed. Peter didn't think he could ever move on; it was probably time to though. It had been two years after all.

The two men ordered their food and continued getting to know each other better. Peter learned Wade couldn't remember most of his past and Wade learned that Peter had an aunt. Wade pretty much demanded he had to meet May so Peter guessed he had to arrange that now. Peter didn't know how much May would like Wade though with his eccentric personality and violent tendencies.

They got their food and Wade had as much table manners as always which consisted of shoving his food and his mouth as fast as he could. If Peter was going to introduce him to May they'd have to have a conversation about table manners.

"So where did you disappear to for three weeks?" Peter asked curiously.

"I was on a mission to take down some Hydra goons. I couldn't bring my phone because I left in a hurry. So sorry about the lack of responses." Wade said, giving Peter a sheepish smile. "Also seems like I'm not the only one with a penchant for breaking and entering." Wade said, giving Peter a pointed look.

"I was worried, okay? I'll pay to replace the window." Peter said blushing seems like Wade found his entrance into his apartment.

"Nah it's okay I won't be too much. You could repay me with a kiss though?" Wade asked wiggling what would be his eyebrows if he had any at Peter. Peter felt his cheeks darken more if it was even possible.

"Ewww no way!" Peter protested.

"Awww come on!" Wade said teasingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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