Chapter 4

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Peter went to class the next morning he was still full in the morning from all the tacos Deadpool had fed him. Peter had eaten his fair share he was not accompanied by the usual feeling of hunger that followed him everywhere. Peter had to admit that it was nice and he was able to focus better without the distraction.

"Mr. Parker those kids got expelled and hopefully they'll leave me alone now." Ally said she was smiling she looked way more happy than yesterday.

"That's great!" Peter said he was glad his plan had worked.

Peter was sitting at his desk during his free class period. He was going between grading papers and working on his own college work. Peter heard his phone go off he sighed his focus being broken from his science homework. Peter sighed as he picked up the device putting his thumb print on the sensor so that his phone would unlock.

Peter had three texts from an unknown number Peter was about to delete it thinking it was a scam for something when he read the text. "Hey Spidey your probably wondering how I got your number. I hacked into the Avengers Tower system I know you've done work with them before. Just wanted to tell you hope you enjoy your new furniture." The text read Peter blinked on shock.

Somehow Deadpool had managed to hack into the Avenger's systems to find his phone number. Peter cursed out whoever had helped Deadool because their was no way he could have done something as complicated as that. Petet guessed he had paid someone with all that money of his he couldn't seem to stop unintentionally flaunting in Peter's face. What did he even mean by enjoy the new furniture?

Did Deadpool know where he lived now to? "God I'm fucked if he knows. I hope he's joking. He better be joking." Peter said he groaned if Deadpool knew where he lived it was going to be a problem. Peter would probably have to move to make sure Deadpool didn't figure out his secret identity if he already didn't know. Actually Peter thought hopelessly that probably wouldn't work the mercenary would probably just track him down again.

Peter was worried about Deadpool learning his secret identity and where he lived. He was more annoyed than anything while it was true Deadpool could use it against him Peter doubted he would. If Deadpool was as obsessed with him as he let on then he would probably do anything Peter asked. Peter decided to make him swear to secrecy and if he did blab his big mouth Peter would go after him. Better to be on the safe side.

Peter got off work he walked home as fast as he could without sprinting. Peter wanted to see if Deadpool was lying or if he had actually somehow figured out Peter's address. Peter's spider sense didn't go off when Deadpool was around so he might have followed Peter home and he didn't notice despite him constantly watching over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed.

Peter unlocked his door, he swung it open and it creaked open slowly. Peter walked in, nothing seemed astray so far in his kitchen. Peter walked into his living room/Bedroom. He was poor so his living room also functioned as his bedroom. Peter's eyes widened when he saw a couch sitting near the side of the wall. There was also a recliner in the corner; it seemed like Deadpool had a hard time getting it in his apartment due to the lack of space.

"What the hell." Peter said once it sunk in Deadpool knew not only his address but his phone number if he knew that he probably knew Peter's real name. Peter felt panic go threw him he could probably swear Deadpool to secrecy but this was still a bad situation to be in.

Peter ignored the new furniture in his apartment he had more important things to worry about. Later he'd have to make Deadpool take it back food was one thing this was another. Peter didn't like accepting handouts as is let alone from a criminal.

Peter went out on patrol a few hours later as Spiderman. He had texted Deadpool to meet him on top of the Oscorp building the tallest building in New York only rivaled by Stark Tower. Peter had climbed up the building enough that he knew they didn't have security cameras on the roof he landed quietly on top of the building.

"Took you long enough I've been waiting for three hours. What a way to make a girl wait Spidey." Deadpool said he pretended to be offended turning his headup at Peter. The spider hero rolled his eyes he ignored Deadpool's dramatics in favor of getting to the reason he'd met up with the mercenary to begin with.

"Why did you put furniture in my apartment?" Peter asked.

Deadpool blinked like he was surprised Peter was asking. "Ain't it obvious? Man you ain't observant Spidey no offense but I thought my love for you was obvious." Deadpool said he shook his head and waggled a finger at him like he was disappointed in him

"Just because you like someone doesn't mean you can learn their address and give them expensive gifts." Peter said irritated. Why would Deadpool think of that anyways. "Oh, yeah he's in insane." Peter reminded himself. Deadpool had no morals it seemed.

Deadpool shrugged nonchalantly. "Did you like it?" Deadpool asked. Peter wanted to pull his hair out. How was he ignoring everything he just said?

"No I don't like it! You broke into my apartment while I was at work! Got me expensive stuff without asking me if I wanted it or not. My phone number you also know and probably my name!" Peter said he was furious he started pacing back and forth as he ranted.

"Actually Spidey I didn't learn your name scout's honor." Deadpool said he crossed his finger over his heart.

"Why should I believe you of all people?" Peter asked he knew Deadpool might like him enough to not tell anyone but Deadpool was also unpredictable and could change his mind at any given moment.

"Have I told anyone where you live?" Deadpool asked raising an eyebrow or at least what appeared to be an eyebrow under his mask.

"No but how do I know you want tell anyone in the future?" Peter asked he glared at Deadpool accusingly.

"I guess you'll just have to take my word for it or don't. I'd prefer our relationship was built on trust Spidey. If you want to doubt your best friend than so be it." Deadpool said he shook his head like he couldn't believe Peter.

"I'm not you best friend. Oh and also come get you furniture!" Peter said he wasn't a charity case he didn't need high end furniture bought with Deadpool's dirty money.

"Nope all yours no returns." Deadpool said he shot a grabbing hook at the next building before grabbing onto the rope and swinging over.

"Hey!" Peter said as he shot a web to the next building to catch up. It was going to be annoying to convince Deadpool to take back the furniture.

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