Part 1: Reunited

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(Disclaimer I haven't gotten past the goodbye Mary season so there may be some mistakes. I spoiled stuff for myself to write this)

It was an average day on the sunny peaceful and warm they had left Water 7 not long ago and everything thing was peaceful.

"Has anyone seen Luffy!?!" Shouted Zoro as he frantically looked for his captain "what do you mean Moss Head" asked Sanji spitefully as Zoro rushed into the kitchen for the 13th time in the last hour.

"I can't find Luffy, Anywhere!" Zoro exclaimed gasping from his running around "I can help you look for him" offered Robin crossing her arms in front of her "That would be great, thank you"

After a few minutes of Robin using her devil fruit she opened her eyes and gave a defeated look. "He's not on the ship," she said her voice laced with worry "Everyone emergency meeting NOW!!" Zoro yelled gathering everyone to the same room.

Before Zoro could start talking an odd fog filled the room "What is this" some of the straw hats exclaim before passing out.

*an hour earlier.*
"Hello Luffy," a young woman's voice sounded in the room making Luffy look around before spotting a young woman standing in the corner of the room "Who are you?" Luffy asked confused. The girl laughed slightly "My name Is Willow" the woman now known as Willow responded "I came to ask for permission to show some of your memories and some stuff from your future also," she continued "show who? And why?" Luffy asked quizzically.

"Your crew, Because it bothers me that they seem not to realize just how much you have, will, and would sacrifice for them, also because I think it would be fun"


"I already got permission from your older self but since it's your crew from right now I thought it best to get your permission also. It also makes my job easier" Willow said mumbling the last part.

"Ok! You have my permission then!"

"Thank you. Please take my hand for a moment" she asked offering her hand towards Luffy. After Luffy set his hand in hers she smiled as an odd fog that smelled of meat surrounded them. As Luffy inhaled the fog he began to grow tired until he slipped into a deep sleep.

*present time.*

There were about 300 people settled in a large room, the room had a large screen on one wall and chairs lined up in rows much like a movie theater, some of the more notable people being: the Straw Hats (Zoro, Nami, Ussope, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, and Franky), Garp, Dragon, Ace, Sabo (he temporarily has his memories back), Gold D. Roger, shanks, Sora (Sanji's mom), Boa Hankock (after she started simping for Luffy) Buggy, Captain Smoker (Smoky), Vivi, Coby, Kureha, Makino, and finally some random marines, pirates, and revolutionaries. (Sorry if they act out of character I don't really know all of there personalities that well)

*Willow (my oc) POV:

I had just gathered a large array of people into the theater, it took me a little over an hour to collect all of them. I looked around the room at the large amount of people currently unconscious and in my care. I had brought people from a bit farther in the future (Boa Hankock) and some who were dead (Sora, and Roger) partially because I didn't want to deal with some people and for the fact that I wanted to surprise a few people also (But mostly actually for drama).

I pulled up my office chair and leaned back in it and began the potentially long wait for them to wake up.

3rd person POV:

A loud groan could be heard coming from a certain red haired pirate as he sat up placing a hand on his head confused "good morning" a calm yet cheerful voice said from across the large room

"Huh! Who's there!" Shanks asked

"I apologize for bringing you here without your knowledge and crew but I would like if you would remain calm and wait for everyone else to get up before I explain. I promise I will not harm you, my name is Willow"

"Uhm, where am I?"

"The reaction room."

"The what? You know what I'll wait"

"Wait for what?" asks roger sitting up and looking around the room for the source of the familiar voice

"Captain?" Shanks's voice was slightly choked as he looked at his long dead captain.

"Roger!!" Yelled Garp

"What!? How in the world!" - Smoker


Chaos ensued at the sight of the dead pirate king. It took someone physically running into the Straw Hats for them to start waking up. Sora had made her way towards the calmest of the group the Straw Hats carefully dogging pirates and marines that were attempting to fight each other but failing due to some force that kept them from touching each other.

Upon seeing her son grown up Sora felt happy that he had become a handsome young man but was a bit saddened when he pulled out a cigarette and light it.

"Sanji" Sora asked looking at her son fondly
Hearing the familiar voice Sanji turned and looked where it had come from only to burst into tears at the sight of his deceased mother. He ran forward hugging her tightly and feeling her motherly warmth.

"Sanji, who's that?" Asked Nami slightly worried about his reaction to seeing the person he was currently hugging and crying onto the shoulder of.

"Sh-she's my mom" Sanji replied between sobs.

"Chopper, is that you?" Asked an older woman

"Kureha?!" Yet another heart warming meeting

"A-Ace?" Asked a shaky voice upon seeing a familiar face, Ace whipped his head around to see who was calling him only to see a young blonde in a revolutionary uniform that had a scare over his left eye crying.

"Sabo?!.... YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Yelled ace rushing over to his brother with tears in his eyes only to whack him upside the head.

"Oww! Sorry I lost my memories" Sabo explained rubbing the spot he had been hit,

"Alright that's enough!!" They heard someone yell and everyone was moved into a seat marines on one side and pirates and revolutionary's on the other

"Welcome to the reaction room everyone!" Said a female voice,

( a/n thanks for reading, sorry about grammar, sentence length, and spelling. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 1074 words)

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