Part 5: "Its ALIVE?!" And Luffy vs. Buggy

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(A/n. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks more than others I'm currently sick but wanted to post another chapter for you guys actually reading. Also sorry if it's a bit short)

"Alright everyone I'm going to bring in some new, please try not to freak out" Willow warned everyone as a group of random people disappear.

A few minutes passed and then an odd figure began to appear slumped on a chair next to the Straw Hats.

"Is that a skeleton!!!" Makino, and Sora screamed upon seeing the figure

"What the hell is that" the Straw hats (- Nami, Ussope, and chopper) yelled in surprise

Ussope and Nami were both screaming there heads of while Chopper and Kereha stared confusedly at the skeleton that somehow had an Afro. ( Chopper was scared but also curious)

"Is this a joke?!" Yelled Buggy, Shanks, and Garp

Ace and Sabo were confused and were trying to calm down Makino, Sanji being the amazing son he is was helping his mother and Nami calm down

A good chunk of the random marines, pirates, and revolutionaries were either screaming or had passed out

Boa looked slightly confused because she thought he was a part of the Straw Hat crew

"This is not a joke, his name is Brook" Willow said with a serious face

"What do you mean he's obviously dead" the two doctors said in confusion

"Yohohoho, who's dead?" The skeleton asked

"What!!!!!!!" Everyone especially the doctors, the scaredy cat trio, Makino, and Sora screamed at the talking Skeleton

"Oh, what pretty lady's, may I see your panties?" The perverted skeleton known as Brook asked the woman closest to him (Nami, Robin, Tashigi, Sora, Makino, and Boa)

After the skeleton received a beating of a lifetime from almost the whole room Willow announced that it was time to react to Luffy vs Buggy

"You two fought Buggy?"

"He did, and lost"

"Really buggy?"

"I don't remember that"

"Let's start"

"His hat!" Chopper, Ussope, Sanji, Robin, Franky, Ace, And Sabo Yell knowing how much his hat means to him

"He's that angry over a small rip?" Some randoms ask

"You have no idea how much he loves his hat

(At the part where Buggy stabs the hat)

"Buggy!! That used to be captains hat!!" Shanks yelled at Buggy in partial horror ( how he treated the hat and how pissed Luffy was)

"Wait, WHAT!!" Buggy yelled back at the red haired man

"It seems you boys still fight even after all these years" - Roger

"He looks pissed" - Franky, Chopper, and Brook

"When did this happen?" Sanji and Robin ask neither having any recollection of the incident

"Did this happen before you guys met me?" - Ussope

"Yes, me and Luffy had just met" - Nami

"I don't think I was there for this, I remember Luffy's hat being damaged but I don't remember seeing this happen" - Zoro

"Hahaha" - Roger, And Shanks

"Shut up!!" - Buggy

"Luffy!!!! He's going to die!!" - Most

"Buggy!!" - Shanks

"Smoker!" - Garp

"Who is that b-" Boa try's to yell but gets cut off

(The part where buggy is about the chop off Luffy's head but gets electrocuted)

"Was that you Dragon/ dragon San?" - Garp and sabo

Dragon looks away trying to act like he didn't do anything

"Hahaha! Serves you right buggy" - shanks

" he's got some spunk!" - Roger

"Oh thank god" all the Straw hat even the ones who were there said relieved

"He's ok, thank goodness, I was so worried" Ace said relieved hugging Makino and Sabo

"D- Pirate" smoky says angrily his curse getting cut off

"Excuse you?!" Garp yells before giving smoker a hard punch on the head

(A/n this is the end hope y'all enjoyed it,
Also I would like to explain the "getting cut off" thing that happens, it's literally just sensorship, I just say they get cut off for it to make more sense. 338 words <3)
P.S. if there's anything you want them to react to please leave a comment or something and I'll be sure to put it in one of the next chapters:)

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