Part 6: The Unexplained

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(A/n this is mainly focused on when Luffy was able to talk to Grandpa Ryu because I am still confused over how he was able to accomplish this, anyway enjoy this is going to be a relatively short chapter)

"I'm going to show something that happen right before the Straw Hats entered the grand line" Willow said calmly as she fiddled with something on the tablet

"Before we entered the grand line, geeze that feels like forever ago" said Nami trying to think of when the brown haired woman could be talking about

"Whoa!! Is that a dragon!" - chopper, Franky, and Brook

"What the hell!?" - Ace, Sabo, (there worried) Garp, Buggy, Shanks, randoms

"I thought dragons were just myths or fairy tales" - Kereha

"Interesting" - Roger and dragon

"I almost forgot about this" said Sanji, his mother had fallen asleep on his shoulder

(The part when Luffy reads the dragons mind)

"Did he just read its mind!" - most

"Did we ever figure out how he could do that?" Nami asked turning toward her crew

"I don't know but you never told us Luffy could read the minds of dragons" Robin said calmly

"I don't think we ever did" Zoro said with a perplexed look on his face

" that dragon looks sick, also why didn't you tell me Luffy could do that!" - Chopper

"I knew our captain was SUPER cool, Bit I didn't know he was this Cool" Franky said doing his odd pose

"Yohohohoho, he is very interesting" - Brook

"Dragon, Son, can you also talk to dragons?" Garp asks turning towards his son. Dragon shook his head signaling he in fact couldn't

"I've never heard of anyone without a devil fruit being able to talk to dragons" Roger said perplexed by this new information

"Ok, Next"

" when did this happen" - most of the straw hats

"Is that?" - Roger

"D- pirate" - Smoker

"Interesting, did you know him cap'n" - Shanks and Buggy


"Wait, is that Reyleigh" - Roger, Shanks, Buggy

(Sorry I really don't know how they should react, I just want to put them in for fun)

"I'm sorry he's the son of WHO!" Yelled Franky and Brook as well as some randoms

"Oh, S-" - Buggy

Vivi sat in utter shock at the announcement

"Yeah that's about the reaction we had when we first found out" - Straw Hats - Franky and Brook

"Anyway next"

Most just sit in silence listening to the seventeen year old sing surprisingly in tune and on key

(Please enjoy the video above 👆)


Every one smiled as they continued to watch and listen to Luffy sing


"What's happening!" - most

"This happens in the future, but we still don't have answers" - Willow "any way next"

"What in the-" - Straw Hats

"Don't ask" - Luffy's family


"That's not fair" said Sanji as chopper shoved a wad of tissue up his nose to stop his nosebleed

"You can be sad later for right now we're moving on" - Willow

(This is the end hope you enjoyed this chapter please give me more ideas on what they should react to next. 510 words, I'm not sick anymore and a break is coming up in a few weeks so I'll try to post more chapters soon, have a great day or night<3)

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