Not an update!

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Sick tips:

I'm sorry for not posting in a while, I have been super busy, I also started summer school so I haven't had time to work on any on my stories. This unfortunately isn't an update, but I know that a lot of people have been getting sick recently so I wanted to share some things I have learned as someone who gets sick often.

1. Eat light food: stuff like (small portions of) rice, bread, broth (little to no noodles) etc. (rice and broth/soup is a great combo)

2. Drink plenty of water/liquid. Being sick often causes you to be warm and sweat due to fevers and fighting germs, so drink plenty of water is helpful. Drinking things like sprite or coke-a-cola can help with keeping hydrated, especially if you are throwing up. Soda, specifically sprite/7-up/lemon lime, are also good for removing the taste from your mouth.

3. Don't stay in bed all day, this may sound odd but staying in bed can make you more sick, so sitting in the living room (or other area) can be beneficial.

4. If the fever isn't above 100 degrees F you probably won't need to medicate for a fever. It may sound odd but having a fever is the body's way of fighting the cells by heating up to help kill the bacteria/virus that has affected you.
You should medicate and go to the doctor if your fever reaches or is above 102 degrees F.

5. Don't take showers. A warm, not hot, bath that's not super full should help. The water should feel warm tot eh touch but not hot, though steam can help it isn't beneficial to make yourself to hot as it can spike the body's already high temperature to dangerous levels

6. Go to a doctor if the symptoms don't dissipate after a few days to a week.

7. Try not to use medication if it isn't needed, if you use to much medicine your body may work up a tolerance and it won't be effective.

8. Have someone to take care of you, make sure that if you plan to go super far there is someone within your home that can take care of you if something happens. Having a caretaker can help you stay healthy

9. Don't take medication if you can't keep down water, it won't help you get better if you puke it right back up. Eating before taking medication is best.

10. Make sure to get plenty of sleep/rest. Sleeping helps your body and mind work on fighting the ailment and not on other things, it also will help you be less likely to throw up.

I hope these tips help you, If you have any concerns or anything about the fic that you would like me to add, know about, etc. please tell me, have great day, and if you're sick I hope you feel better soon

Other tips:

Sore muscles:
I do Marching band and did PE in summer school, my muscles got rather sore so here are some tips I know work pretty well

1. Taking medication for muscle pain is a good Idea but only in moderation.

2. Take a hot bath, the heat from the water helps relax your muscles and make them hurt less. Showers are Ok, but a bath works best. if you have them, put Epsom salts into the bath water before you get in, they help further relax your muscles and reduce the pain

Sun burns:

1. Try to prevent burns by applying sunscreen regularly

2. Buy lidocaine gel (if you're not allergic) to put on your burn.

3. If you need to, take a cool shower so you irritate the burn less.

4. If the burn blisters try not to touch it, also try getting burn cream or spray to help lessen the pain of the burn

5. Wear clothes that don't touch the skin of the burn.

Blisters, specifically on the feet are annoying and hurt.

1. If you can, buy blister bandaids

2. If you can't get blisters bandaids apply 1-2 bandaids to the blister and put on a sock to add padded, it makes it less likely to burst.

3. If the blister does pop clean the area and leave it alone, the skin will most likely dry and look dead, try not to touch it, placing a bandaid on it can help keep the area clean.

I hope these tips help

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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