Part 2: It Begins

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(Thanks for reading, please enjoy)

A few marines began to struggle and try to get up but were held down by an invisible force

A young woman with long brown hair that has a reddish tint to it a big gray eye the other gold, she wore a light blue blouse tucked into a pair of black tighter fit jeans and a pair of knee high brown leather boots. She had a sword with a pale almost white sheath and handle that had charms hanging from it.

"Now then, hello everyone My name is Willow. You all must be wondering why I brought you here, well I brought you here to react to the many times Straw Gat Luffy has and will risk his life and/or wellbeing for most of the people in this room" Willow explained calmly

"Before you ask I have gotten permission from both future and current Luffy to do this and show his memory's, so please don't worry"

Everyone looked shocked and a bit upset that Luffy would be risking his life for them

After further convincing and Willow having them introduce themselves it was time to start the reacting (sorry I'm lazy)

"Let's start with drum island shall we" said Willow pulling up a black office chair and grabbing a small tablet

The video began playing showing Luffy clutching onto the side of a mountain his body tinted red and his breath fogged, in between his teeth was a Sanji's black coat and on his back was a rather sick looking Nami.

They all watched as Luffy began to slide down the side of the mountain his bare hand and feet were desperately trying to grab onto something. When he finally got a hold of the side of the mountain his hands were covered in blood and his skin was growing a shade of purple.

By the end of the video Luffy had dropped the unconscious Sanji on the snowy ground and collapsed.

Sora looked on in horror and worry not only for her own child or the sick Nami but the now bloody and battered Luffy.

Nami and Sanji looked slightly shocked, Chopper and Kureha had a solemn and knowing look on there faces, and the rest of the Straw Hats, the brocons (Ace and Sabo), Vivi, Garp, Dragon, Coby, Shanks, Roger, and surprisingly Smoker all had worried faces, though Dragon's, Garp's, and Smoker's were more masked then the rest.

"When did this happen?!" Asked Sabo wanting to protect his younger brother.

"It happen when we stoped on drum island when I was sick" said Nami

"Are you all alright?!" Sora asked, her motherly instincts kicking in.

"Yeah, we're ok now mom," Sanji gave his mom a hug to calm her down.

"Alright how about something a bit different?" Asked Willow and was met with some nods in agreement

"Alright how about something a bit different?" Asked Willow and was met with some nods in agreement

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One Piece React (the many times Monkey D. Luffy risked his life for them)Where stories live. Discover now