Chapter 2: The 'Mighty Beast'

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Drip, drop, drip, drop.

My head was killing me. Why do I feel cold and wet all of a sudden? Could I smell...grass? I opened my eyes quickly and all I could see was two big, brown eyes right next to my face.

"AHHH!" Screamed the girl, falling back.

"AHHH!" I screamed, falling off a park bench on to the cold, damp floor.

I'm not dead?! Wait...


"W-Who are you!?" She cried, jumping up from the ground. "WHO ARE YOU!? AND WHY AM I IN A PARK THAT I TOTALLY HAVE NO IDEA OF?!" I exclaimed, becoming frustrated. "I DON'T KNOW!" She yelled back.

I looked up at the girl, confused. She didn't know? I sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry, let's just say, I'm not familiar with this area."

"You don't live round here?" She asked softly.

I nodded. "Honestly, I don't know where I am." I sighed and sat on the bench, putting my head in my hands. Damnit! Why couldn't I have just listened to Mikage! I could be enjoying some herbal tea with him now, but no! Instead, I am feeling for myself and have no clue where I am. I started to sniffle.

The bench creaked as somebody sat next to me. A pair of cold yet soft hands touched my arm. "I don't really know you, but I can sympathise with you. I know how it feels when you are faced with a situation you weren't prepared for, take my dad for instance. My dad always used to gamble, he would sometimes gamble a little money, but most the time he would gamble a lot of money," The disappointed girl explained, "the money he gambled was, well, for the house. Today, we got evicted. My good-for-nothing dad ran away. So here I am, like you, wondering what to do next even though I have know clue where I will be sleeping tonight, haha!"

Poor girl. How selfish can her dad be? I couldn't just leave her and not help.

I grabbed the girls hands and held them tightly, saying, "Don't worry, from now on we'll stick together! My parents aren' either, and I have literally have no one that lives around here. We can be park hobos! I admire you, you know. You are a strong person. We won't need men, what are men good for, anyway?" I joked, (but referring to cough, cough Mikage) making the girl giggle.

We stood up and the girl laid her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, erm, I'm sorry but...what's your name?" She asked.

I smiled. "Brooklyn, but you can call me Brooke! Hey, I forgot to ask yours!"

She had a massive grin spread across her face.

But when she said her name I didn't. In fact, I stumbled back.

"Nanami, Nanami Momozono!"


"Your name is...N-Nanami?" I choked. She nodded, still smiling.

This wasn't real.

This wasn't real.

This wasn't real.

Am I...

"Brooke, are you okay?" Nanami asked, concerned. She was right next to me, which scared me, causing me to fall on the ground, onto my butt.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, "Just shaken up, y'know. It's a bit cold."

She chuckled and put out her hand towards me for support, which I accepted gratefully.

I can't be with Nanami! I could screw up the story! Or will my choice affect the story? Will it affect me?

I gulped.

I spun around and picked up my pace. First things first, I need to know where I am.

I started wondering around, but Nanami followed me.

"Brooke! BROOKE! Wait up! Where are you going?" She called.

I sighed. "I'm going to find a way out of here!"

"You're silly! The exit is literally in the opposite direction you're going in!"

I turned around and called, "Not of the this park! Out of this-..." I froze. Nanami couldn't know I am from somewhere completely different to here. This is a fictional world, my world is the real one. Nanami would think I'm mad, but wouldn't this affect the storyline as well?

Mikage should have really given me a manual on how to survive in a fictional world, or the 'Do's and Don't's of Being in a Manga'.

That would have been really helpful.

Nanami caught up to me, breathing heavily and asked, "Where...are you...going?"

I dropped my head in shame. "I don't know."

"What are you...looking for then?"

"I don't know."

"You do know that-..."

"Nanami! Can you please-..."

I was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream. I looked at Nanami, and we rushed over towards where the scream was coming from.


I was becoming a shivering wreck (not only because it was cold, though). What if it was a monster? A God? A YOKAI!?

Nanami pointed towards a tree which was a few metres away from us. In the tree was a quivering male in a jacket and fedora. I nodded and we ran towards the side of the tree.

We stopped and looked at the man.

"Sir, is everything okay?" I whisper-yelled to the guy, being cautious and what not.

"You're not hurt, sir, are you?" Nanami asked quietly.

"AH! GET IT AWAY!" He shrieked.

"What, sir?!" I yelled, becoming really anxious.

He lifted one of his shaky arms from his side, and pointed at the ground in front of him.

I carefully and quietly walked over to the area, and froze.

"Are you okay, Broo-..." I know why Nanami stopped, she was seeing what I was seeing.

Slowly, I lifted my head up to the man in the tree and screamed,


The 'frightening creature' gave a mighty bark. By 'frightening creature', I mean dog.

Nanami shooed away the 'mighty beast', while I helped the man down from the tree.

He brushed the old, crumpled leaf bits and dust from his jacket, then adjusted his glasses. He walked up to Nanami first, and out his hand out to her and said, "Thank you ever so, miss!" She blushed and shook his hand. He then turned around to me, but he done something completely different.

He started smirking, and finally said,

"Thank you...Brooke."

No way! How can he be here? Why is he here? But the only thought that I could think about was that I am utterly, and terribly screwed.

Okay, I know I told you guys I would upload a chapter from 2 - 3 days. I will still be doing that, but I didn't this week as I'm not going to be active for 3 days! I hope you guys are enjoying it so I'll most likely upload chapter 3 tomorrow, so don't worry, there is more! :D BYE! Vote and comment! ❤️

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