† Sarah Campbell †

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It was Friday afternoon and another week had passed without any major changes

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It was Friday afternoon and another week had passed without any major changes. Bree was excited to meet her hometown friend Sarah, whom they were about to pick up at the airport as Bree's eighteenth birthday was tomorrow. Bree wanted a bonfire night to celebrate her birthday and of course, she got her wish when it came to Killian.

Unfortunately, Killian was supposed to work but had asked the boss to leave at twelve to have time to celebrate her. Unlucky for Killian, Jolie wouldn't be there, as she was off with her friends to Tucson for the weekend and wouldn't be home until Sunday night. In a way, Killian was relieved that Jolie wouldn't be present as Sarah would be at the party.

Sarah Campbell was Killian's childhood sweetheart in middle school. She was now eighteen years old and had applied to Harvard, which of course she got into, but she wasn't only Killian's childhood sweetheart, but also one of Bree's best girlfriends. He had never told Bree about his crush on Sarah, not that it was a secret, but it didn't last long enough to ever come up as a topic.

As they stood looking towards the passengers who got off the plane, Bree could barely stand still with eagerness. Killian who was 6ft 2 (188 cm) could see Sarah coming out of the gate before Bree spotted her. His jaw dropped and his eyes were practically bulging out of his skull at the sight of her.

Sarah had also developed female curves during these two years, perhaps not as much as Bree, but she had grown more beautiful.

Her mouth dropped and her eyes widened when she caught sight of Killian. He gave her a playful grin and gave her a simple wave with his hand.

"Do you see her?" asks Bree, and just then she caught sight of Sarah who came with quick steps, wrapping her arms around Bree.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I'm in California," said Sarah, looking at Killian over Bree's shoulder. "I'm so glad to see you, Bree."

Killian stood with his hands deep in his jeans pockets, moistened his lips, and watched Sarah come towards him with a smile.

"Killian," she said with a soft voice, putting her arms around his neck in a hug. "I've missed you."

He put his arms around her tiny body and the scent of her fruity perfume swept into his nose. He could see Bree's face beaming with excitement and Killian himself, he just thought how he would handle a weekend with two beautiful girls in his apartment.

"Good to see you again Sarah," he said in a deep voice, releasing her body and taking a step back.

"I promise, you will love California. We have our pool; and a really good-looking neighbor and you must meet my new friends; they are like super nice!" Bree said, putting her arm in Sarah's and starting to walk towards the exit.

Killian walked right behind them and saw Sarah glance over her shoulder at him with a discreet smile.

Once in the car, Bree's mouth kept going about school, homework, food, clothes, and parties, it was as if she hadn't spoken to Sarah in years, but the fact was that they talked several times a week. Killian turned his gaze from the road ahead to the rearview mirror to look at them. He saw that Sarah's gaze shifted between him and Bree, but when they made eye contact, her gaze stopped on him.

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