† DNA †

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Bree sat on the edge of the pool in her pink bikini, her hair loose over her back and her feet in the water

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Bree sat on the edge of the pool in her pink bikini, her hair loose over her back and her feet in the water. She looked beautiful in the light of the pool with the darkness surrounding her, Killian thought as he came out the back after being at Tristan's house.

Gina was dead. Apparently from an overdose, Tristan had told him during the evening. Justice had taken her, or karma as some would call it, but Killian thought it was tragic. Such a young person ended up so wrong and died far too soon. He had been lucky but knew that many young people hadn't been as lucky.

Tristan had also told him that Jolie had recovered and would soon be able to return home. All thanks to Killian. He was glad she was okay, despite what she had done to him. It didn't matter anymore; he understood why she was hurt and sought revenge against him. Just as Bree was hurt, Jolie was hurt by him. It wasn't Jolie's fault that she developed feelings, but his fault for continuing to have an intimate relationship with her when he knew how she felt for him.

He had begun to realize things thanks to his therapy with Dr. Adler and learned to accept and forgive himself for the things he could not change. He knew he needed to be more independent, especially when it came to Bree and not let his love for her keep making his decisions. He needed to stand on his own two feet grow himself a backbone and stop protecting Bree from everything. Because in the end, he couldn't protect her from everything and it wouldn't do her any favors either, according to Dr. Adler. She was probably right.

He looked towards Hazel's apartment for a second, but the apartment was dark, and no one was home. She hadn't been home in a few days and the last time they saw her she seemed tired, but okay and maybe being pregnant was tiring, Killian thought, dropping the subject.

Killian approached the pool with slow steps and sat down next to Bree. Without saying a word to each other, she rested her head against his shoulder, and they looked at their feet under the surface of the water. Killian took her hand and wrapped his fingers around hers.

"Imagine if our parents had continued to date, maybe we would have been siblings instead of neighbors," Bree said out of the blue in a smooth voice.

Killian chuckles. "Well, I'm glad they stopped dating. Otherwise, we might not be sitting here together."

"Do you think we would've had the same strong relationship if we had been siblings?"

"I hope not," Killian said with a laugh, feeling Bree nudge him lightly.

"Idiot! Not like that! I mean if you think we would still be best friends."

He took a second longer before answering her. "Yeah, I think we'd still be best friends."

"I do too," Bree replied, looking up at him. "How was your evening with Tristan?"

He was hesitant to mention Gina and Jolie when Bree had stopped talking about them some time ago and let that topic wait for another occasion.

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