† Pregnancy test †

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The alarm went off and Killian felt Bree reach over him to reach for his phone on the bedside table

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The alarm went off and Killian felt Bree reach over him to reach for his phone on the bedside table. He squinted at her for a second before closing his eyes to snooze for a few minutes. For the past two days, Killian had been unfocused at school, sleeping poorly, and had inner stress.

All that existed on his mind was how he would explain himself to their parents if he accidentally had made Bree pregnant and if Bree decided to keep the baby, how would it affect their lives?

"Killian, get up. It's your turn to make coffee," Bree murmured, crawled back down in bed, and cuddling her face into the pillow.

He knew Bree had slept poorly these two nights and had anxiety about buying a pregnancy test after school, but it was better to have it confirmed than just wait for time to tell.

"Give me five minutes with you first," he said, crawling closer to her and putting his arm around her naked body.

"I know you and you're going to go back to sleep, which means I'll have to make coffee again," she murmured as he cuddled his face against her neck.

"I like to snooze in the morning, and even more when you're lying here next to me naked," he murmurs against her neck and starts squeezing her breast.

"How can you even think about sex in a situation like this?" she said in a whiny voice, removing his hand from her breasts.

"Because it's already too late anyway if you're pregnant, done is done and I can't help if I enjoy having sex in the morning," he said, nibbling her neck and up against her earlobe.

But Bree didn't seem to be in the same mood and left the bed and disappeared towards the bathroom. Killian sighed and stared up at the white ceiling as he let his hand slip under the covers and start jerking off.

"Seriously Killian," said Bree, who appeared in the doorway with a towel around her body, ready to shower.

"Come help me instead," he said and continued jerking but Bree shook her head with a hint of annoyance.

"You need to seek help for your sex addiction," she snapped, disappearing again towards the bathroom.

"I know you didn't mean that! You love that I want you," he shouts but gets no response.

The shower turns on and what he notices is that she left the door to the bathroom open, which he takes as an invitation.

The shower turns on and what he notices is that she left the door to the bathroom open, which he takes as an invitation

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