† Home sweet home †

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They had just returned from the beach and went home to their respective houses to shower and eat with their families the last night before returning to California

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They had just returned from the beach and went home to their respective houses to shower and eat with their families the last night before returning to California. They would have to sleep early to leave right after breakfast as the traffic would be thick during the daytime and they wanted to get home before it was time to go to bed again.

Killian wrapped the towel around his hip and ran his fingers a few times through the wet black hair that was way too long. For a moment, he studied the tattoos and wondered if he would have gotten another one shortly, as he hadn't done one in the last few months.

Maybe the next one would be Bree's name, he thought and left the bathroom to go to the kitchen. He took a Diet Coke out of the fridge and sipped half in one fell swoop when his mum came home from the grocery store.

"Killian, honey... Can you help me unpack the food from the bags?" she asked nicely, placing the two filled bags on the kitchen table.

"Sure," he replied briefly, putting down his soda and walking over to the table.

"Did you get my message this morning?" she asked in the doorway with a grin.

"Yes, I got it," he replied with an expressionless face.

"Wasn't it funny? I tried to sound like you young people," she said proudly, and the grin grew into a smile all over her face.

"Mum, please don't. It's just embarrassing," he informed but couldn't help but chuckle softly.

She disappeared out the front door with a smile still on her face and brought in two more grocery bags. Bree's family would come over at eight tonight to hang out, which was an advantage for both Killian and Bree to sneak over to her house to have a moment alone.

Two hours later...

Okay, so they didn't get any time alone as their parents wanted to spend the last evening with them because they wouldn't see each other until Christmas again.

Everyone sat together in the living room playing UNO, but when Killian and Bree lost on purpose, they snuck out into the hallway to get a few minutes to themselves.

"I can't wait until we're back home," Bree panted softly as Killian kissed her neck and let his hand slide under her sweater to find her breasts.

"What do you want me to do with you when we're home?" he asked quietly, torturing her by pinching her nipples.

"Anything you want to do with me," she said, giving out a whimper as he pinched harder.

But the few minutes they had alone were too short and they needed to go back before they would get caught red-handed. Their parents had probably already figured out that something was going on between them, especially David from this morning, Killian thought and sat down in the armchair with Bree in front of him on the rug.

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