† Second chances †

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The more hours passed, the harder it became for Killian to keep his temper in check

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The more hours passed, the harder it became for Killian to keep his temper in check. His body craved drugs and every minute had begun to be a struggle for him. Tristan had taken both Bree and Hazel home as they were both tired, and hungry, and Killian needed to rest, according to the doctor but how could he rest when his body was shaking, sweating, and restless?

Killian walked back and forth between the bed and the window, frustratedly running his hands through his hair, and even though it was better that Bree didn't see him now, he couldn't stop hoping that she would come back. Bree had called his mum and told her what had happened, which had caused his mum to take the first ticket to California.

He didn't want his mother to see him in this state, and the shame he felt for lying to her for months was unbearable, but her disappointment in him was what he feared the most.

A nurse came into the room to take some blood samples as he had shared the needle during heroin intake and when she had taken them, she disappeared out of the room just as quickly. There was nothing as boring as hospitals, and he was glad he didn't visit them often, Killian thought and heard a knock on the door.

"Hey," Hazel said in the doorway, lifting his suitcase into the room before closing the door. "I thought you might want a change of clothes."

"Hey, I thought you were going to stay home and sleep all day after spending the night here," he said, tucking his hands deep into his jeans pockets so she wouldn't notice his trembling hands. "How did you get into my apartment?"

"Well, as you know, I'm awake early in the morning and I saw that your bathroom window was open, so I squeezed myself into it and packed a bag of clothes. Besides, I brought your phone charger with me," she said, setting the bag by the bed.

"Seriously, did you squeeze yourself into the window? Why didn't you just ask me for my key?" said Killian with a chuckle as he could imagine it must have been a challenge for her.

"Because I didn't want to ask for your key in front of Bree. That girl had already had a rough night and I didn't need to make it worse for her," Hazel said, walking over to him.

"That's very kind of you, Hazel, and thank you for being considerate of her and for taking care of her last night. It means a lot to me, even if it wasn't your place to do so," Killian said, wrapping his arms around her in a grateful hug.

"You scared us all last night and I'm so sorry I didn't notice you had a problem with drugs. You should have told me and let me help you," Hazel said against his shoulder as her arms held him tighter.

"Please, can we not talk about drugs? I still feel a strong need to take them, and it doesn't help me to talk about it," Killian said in a hoarse voice, resting his cheek against her head.

"Sorry, of course, we don't need to talk about it," she said, stroking her hands over his back. "Why don't you go take a shower, and I'll go buy us something to eat? I'm guessing the food here isn't five-star."

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