† I'm sorry †

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"Rise and shine," Hazel said, patting Killian on the butt cheek

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"Rise and shine," Hazel said, patting Killian on the butt cheek.

Killian lifted his head and looked at her with misty vision as she stood next to him in a pink pajama with brown teddy bears.

"That's a real turn-off. No wonder none of the guys are coming back," Killian muttered, putting his head back down to sleep for a while longer.

"It's not meant to be sexy; it's meant to be comfortable. Now, get up before I pour a jug of water on you," she said in a firm tone and not nearly as soft and chirpy as before.

"Do you have to scream like that in the morning? It hurts my ears and..."

Suddenly, it was like Killian got a cold shower as she poured a jug of cold water over him.

"What — the — fuck!" he exclaimed dramatically, flying up from the couch and staring sharply at her amused face.

"Good morning. Coffee?"

She disappeared towards the kitchen and began pouring coffee into two large mugs that reminded him of the tea mugs Bree used to use. Killian looked at the worn couch that was drenched in water and wondered how she had planned to get it dry.

"Don't worry, my new couch is coming later today. That one should be thrown away," she said as if she had read his mind.

"You know, you remind me of someone. She would've liked you and I'm sure you would have liked her too," Killian said, taking his seat at the kitchen table while Hazel brought the mugs.

"If you say your mum, I'll have to throw you out in boxers," she said, looking skeptically at him.

"No, not my mum," Killian chuckles, watching her sit down opposite him. "You remind me of the girl I told you about earlier, she who was my best friend. Her name is Bree by the way," he said, lowering his gaze to the steaming coffee in front of him.

"So— what happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"I— slept with a girl but don't remember it because I was stoned, I guess, or drugged, I don't know... I don't remember the night," he said in a deep voice, continuing to keep his eyes on the coffee. "My... ex you could say, took my phone and showed Bree when I had sex with this girl. Using a video call."

"Wow, I would call that rape. Just because you're a guy doesn't mean you can't be raped. So, I guess Bree didn't want to believe you."

"That might be a bit exaggerated, don't you think? And nope, she left me the next day and doesn't want anything to do with me anymore," Killian said, raising his head and was met with a compassionate look from Hazel.

"Boy or girl, rape is rape and I'm sorry to hear that," Hazel said, pausing. "So, what are you going to do about it? Get drunk in the middle of a week when you have school, just like you did last night?"

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