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The next day
*Elizabeth's POV*
We got home, with my hand interlocked in Seth's and walked inside. Nessie ran to Jake and hid behind him frighten. Her hair was a mess and she had a bruise on her face. Oh and I forgot to mention that my dad does have a black eye. Nessie looked at me with big fearing eyes. Dad called, "Bella!" while him and Emmett stood in front of me and Seth. Bella came out giving dad a hug. She hasn't seen me yet so that's good right? "Nessie come here sweetheart." Bella sweetly said. Nessie tore her eyes away from me shaking her head no and hiding more behind Jake. "Come here Renessme." Bella said a little harsher taking a step toward Jake. Nessie said, "No." Bella walked around Jake to get Nessie. "I think she needs to know that you won't hurt her again. Bella, just give her some space." I said. Bella whipped around and glared at me saying, "You cannot tell me what to do with my daughter." "Whatever, just giving you advice." I said calmly. Bella went to slap me and I caught her hand. I am honestly done with this. Jake took Nessie outside while I kept my grip on Bella's wrist. "Let go you earth worm." Bella hissed. Dad said, "Stop squirming Bella or you will only have one hand." "What do you mean Edward?" Bella asked. Seth said, "She killed Felix in Italy and broke Jake's leg with one kick." "Oh." Bella said stopping with her squirming. I released her hand and she slapped me. My eyes started flickering because I was getting pissed. I walked out of the house trying to calm down. I just repeated the chorus of a song over and over again in my head.
You should know,
That I'm hurting too I ain't bulletproof
Turn up saying hi to your goodbye
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words break my heart
I'm not as strong as you think I am
I'm no superman
I kinda just walked home calming down. I fixed the door to my house and just got in bed ignoring the imprint in the wall of my body. I cried myself to sleep. I mean I do want a mom. I wish Bella didn't make it so hard to like her and that she liked me.

*Seth's POV*
Well after Bella smacked Liz she just left before she exploded. I headed home too changing into a white dress shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked into Liz's house to find her asleep crying. I gently woke her up and she hits out contacting with nothing. She opened her eyes and sat up. I sat down next to her and asked, "Are you okay?" "Eh. More or less." She said. I pulled her close by the waist and started kissing her. She drew back instantly. "What?" I asked disappointed. Liz sat on my lap straddling me to where her crouch was at my waist. Leaning her forehead on mine she said, "I just wanted to get in a better position." "Oh." was all I said. I leaned in to kiss her even more passionately then before and she melted kissing me back. I licked the bottom of her lip asking for entrance which she happily granted. Next thing I know her hands are done unbuttoning my shirt and started to unzip my shorts and my hands were at the waist of her jeans. I looked at her for an okay and she nodded. If Edward finds out I'm dead.

*Elizabeth's POV*
I woke up the next morning with warm arms around my stomach. I rolled over to see a sleeping Seth. I remembered what happened last night and smiled to myself. Slowly getting out of Seth's gasp I put in my robe and was going to take a shower. "Where are you going?" asked Seth in his sexy husky morning voice. I yawned, "Shower." "Can I come?" Seth asked looking at me. I denied him saying, "Nope, my dad is already going to kill you because of last night." he frowned and I continued into the bathroom. When I came out dressed it was Seth's turn. He came out a few minutes later and we ate cereal while watching TV. "Hey can I move in with you" Seth asked. I looked at him and said, "I don't care." "Sweet I'll be moved in by tonight." He said. I rolled my eyes as he said, "I gotta go to Sam's." "Kay." I said and he left. Not two minutes later was there a knock on the door.

*Renessme's POV*
Last night I slept over at Jake's and it was the first time he actually kissed me. When he stopped I already knew I wanted more, but he didn't want to get in trouble with my mom. I told him I wouldn't tell her anything and he looked at me asking if I was sure. I nodded and he laid on top of me kissing my harder and faster. My hands where wrapped around his body pulling him closer to me as he was trying to hold himself up. I ripped his shirt off and next his shorts. He was kissing me just in his boxers. I used his hands to take my shirt off and my shorts. He stopped kissing me and was unsure again. I just groaned and stripped the rest of the way kissing him again striping him of his boxers. He now understood that I was serious. Gosh he made me do all the work. This morning we woke up on Jake's broken bed. I quickly got dressed not bothering to take a shower telling Jake that I was going over to Liz's. He nodded and headed to Sam's. I arrived at Liz's just as Seth left the drive way. I knocked on the door and she let me in. "I need to talk to you and you are like the only other person besides mom whose mind Dad can't read. And I don't want mom to know." I said. We sat on the couch and Liz asked, "What's up?" "Um.. so last night I slept over at Jake's. I lost my virginity in the process. It was also my first kiss." I said. Liz smirked and said, "My first kiss was two days ago. Oh and yeah Seth spent the night here last night." at that last part she rubbed the back of her neck. My eyes widened as I said, "No way you had sex with him last night!" "Don't shout it to the world Nes." Liz said. I said, "Sorry, hey it couldn't have been as rough as mine and Jake's last night. We broke his bed." Liz's jaw dropped before she said, "Are you really comparing the two?" "Guess so. Promise not to tell Dad I won't tell yours." I said. Liz nodded then said something I totally wasn't expecting, "Seth is moving in with me." "Oh that's nice." I said. Liz just kinda nodded as we sat there in silence.

*Jake's POV*
I get to Sam's and he puts Seth and I on patrol. Great so much fun. Seth: Edward's gonna kill me, Edward's gonna kill me. Me: Why is Edward going to kill you Seth? Seth: I had sex with Liz. Me: Whoa dude, are you serious? Yeah Edward's going to kill you. My dad is probably going to kill me along with Bella. Look who is gonna die twice. Seth: Why? Me: Bella because Nessie spent the night at my house and you know. My dad because we broke my bed. Seth: Dude are you serious?! You broke your bed. DAMN. Me: Calm down. Anything on your side? Seth: No, you? Me: Nope, let's head back. We went back "human" and headed towards Sam's. I stopped dead on my tracks and looked at him. "What?" he said. I shook my head saying, "Nothing." We walked into Sam's house to be bombarded with questions from Collin, Paul, Quil and Embry.

*Elizabeth's POV*
We were sitting in silence when all of the sudden I had the urge to vomit. I got up and sprinted to the bathroom puking up my breakfast. NO WAY!? Dad is so going to kill me if what I'm thinking is correct. Nessie walked in and asked, "Are you okay?" I shook my head no flushing the toilet leaning against the wall. "Do you want me to call Seth?" she asked. I said, "Not really." "I'm going to anyway because Liz you are sick." she said. I groaned and shut my eyes. My head was pounding and I couldn't get up.

*Nessie's POV*
Liz looked terrible so I called Seth. He picked up on the third ring. "Hello?" he said. I said, "Hey Seth it's Renessme. You might want to come home because I think Liz is sick." "Okay, I'm on my way." Seth said and hung up. "Seth's on his way." I told Liz who just put a thumbs up. Just then Seth came in with Jake. "Hey." I said as Jake hugged me. Seth sat down next to Liz.
*Seth's POV*
"You okay Liz?" I asked, she put a thumbs down. "Why isn't she in her bed?" Jake asked. Nessie said, "Because she has a pounding headache, same reason why she isn't talking." I went to pick her up and she groaned and threw up again. "Want me to call Carlisle?" I asked. Nessie said, "You should because she is just gonna tell you no." "I'll call him." Jake said and exited the bathroom.

*Carlisle's POV*
"Hey Nessie never came home last night." Edward said. I said, "She should be home in a bit." Just then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. Jake was on the other line, "Hey it's Jake." "What's wrong Jake?" I asked. He said, "Can you come to Liz's house. She is like sicky, sick and not leaving the bathroom." "Okay I'm on my way, oh by the way do you know where Nessie is?" I asked. Jake said, "She's over her. see you in a few." and hung up. I said, "I'll be back in a few. I guess Seth, Jake and Nessie are at Eli's house cause she is sick." "I'll come with you." Edward said. I just nodded and we headed out.

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