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Five-ish years later
*Seth's POV*
"Okay did you really imprint on a girl?" Jake asked. I said, "Yeah and she is my girlfriend." "For some reason I don't believe you." Jake said. I said, "Well she is 16 today because it is her birthday today and she is all human." "Dude don't you think she'll freak out when she finds out?" Jake asked. I said, "That's why I don't plan on telling her." and then I was tackled to the ground. "Tell me what?" I heard. Jake said, "Dude you just got pummeled." "Shut up." I said. Liz didn't get off of me. "Liz lay off." I said. She said, "Tell me what?" "You aren't getting off of me until I tell you are you?" I said. She said, "You got it." Jake looked at me and I said, "Um well um... Jake and I are werewolves and we live with vampires." "Oh I thought it was gonna be something good cuz I already knew that." She said as she got off of me. "How did you already know?" Jake asked. Liz said, "I may be human, Jake, but I'm not stupid." "I haven't even introduced myself." Jake said. Liz held out her hand saying, "I'm Elizabeth with a 'z' not a's' and everyone calls me Liz." "Your name sounds familiar." Jake said. I slid my hand into Liz's and we continued walking. I haven't told Liz happy birthday yet because I have something planned. Well that's where we were headed. Jake decided to come with because he didn't believe me. At the party there are the Cullens, the pack, my family, Billy and Charlie. We arrived at the beach at close to nine. Yeah it's Nessie's birthday too but they celebrated it earlier.

*Elizabeth's POV*
We arrived at the beach and I saw lights from where we were. "Seth I told you not to." I said. Seth said, "Chill you have the same birthday as Nessie, but her party was earlier." We arrived at the sight and Jake walked over to Nessie. "Jake!" she screeched. Dang she is loud. Seth took me over to his mom. "Hey mom, Leah this is Liz." he said. His mom said, "Hello, I'm Sue. Happy Birthday by the way." "Thanks." I said. Leah just kinda faked smiled at me and walked over to Nessie. Typical attention hog, but hey I'm not one for attention I prefer to be by myself. Seth and I walked away and over to a bench. "Hey guess what!" I said excited. He asked, "What?" "I finally wrote a song for the piano, it took me a year but I did it." I said. He one armed hugged me and said, "Awesome, I can't wait to hear it. All I ever hear are songs you wrote acapellaly or for the guitar."

*Jake's POV*
I walked over to Nessie when we arrived at the beach. I gave her a hug and then went over to Edward. "Hey Edward so Seth's girlfriend, Liz, looks familiar to me." I said. He looked at me like what? Nessie interlocked her hand in mine then we (along with Edward) headed over to Seth and Liz. We got there and Nessie poked Liz. "You're human." She said. Liz said, "Yeah and you're half vampire. Glad we got that out of the way." "Are you sure you are a girl?" Nessie asked. Liz said, "Yeah." Then the pack came over. Liz was introduced and then Paul, Quil and Embry were the only ones who stayed. Nessie spoke again, "I'm Nessie." "I know." Liz said. Nessie asked, "What's Liz short for Eliza?" "No, but you're close." Liz said. Nessie contorted her face and said, "Elizabeth." "Yup that's what Liz is short for." Liz said. Edward 's face was hard to read. Nessie asked, "Do you play any instruments? I play piano and so does my dad. I can't sing though." "I sing, play acoustic and electric guitar, drums/speakers, and piano/keyboard." Liz said. I said, "Wow multitalented. Okay Nessie let's stop with the questions." "Fine." Nessie said and we walked away. Liz shouted, "Happy Birthday Renessme." Nessie looked taken aback.

*Edward's POV*
So after Jake said that Liz looked familiar I sort of got confused and so I went with Jake and Nessie over to her. When I found out that her real name is Elizabeth then it hit me. After Jake and Nessie left I said, "Hey Liz can I talk to you for a minute?" "Okay?" she said unsure and we walked over to the water's edge. "Elizabeth why did you runaway?" I harshly whispered yelled asked. Eli said, "I freaked out okay. Besides Bella hates me and so does Nessie. Stop pretending like you care." "But I do care Eli, I'm your father." I said. Eli said, "Well I'm sorry! I would rather just be me and not have to be fragile!" "Sorry you feel that way. Why don't you move back in?" I asked. Eli said, "I have my own house, job and school I'd rather not move back in!" "Sorry. But at least come talk to us please." I pleaded. Eli said, "No! Just leave me alone!" and stormed off into the forest.

*Seth's POV*
This imprint thing means I can feel what my imprint feels. I could tell that Liz was pretty upset. I got up and followed her into the woods.

*Elizabeth's Thoughts*
How could he just confront me like that?! I didn't ask them to be here Seth invited them. I am grateful to Seth for this party but I wish he didn't. He hasn't even told me happy birthday once. My sister was being annoying. Bella hasn't talked to me once, good. I need my music. I need to calm down ugh I'm so worked up just because I saw my family, most people get sad. I'm a Cullen and I'm going to have to except it. Music yes! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words break my heart. I'm not as strong as you think I am. I'M NO SUPERMN.

*Elizabeth's POV*
I was thinking to myself when something soft nudged its head under my hand and laid it on my lap. I looked over to see werewolf Seth. I also didn't realize I was crying. I petted him behind the ears before I said, "I won't look but can you please be in human form?" I covered my eyes.

*Seth's POV*
Liz covered her still streaming with water eyes with her hands and I turned back "human" and put my pants on. I sat down next to her removing her hands from her face. She turned facing me and I asked, "What's wrong?" while wiping her tears away. She said, "Um...yeah I'm a Cullen." "Cool so you are Nessie's twin!" I said. Liz said, "No, not cool. Bella hates me, Nessie hates me and my Dad pretends like he cares. I ran away when I was almost 12. My vampire thing died and I became a vegetarian and all human. I'm the nerdy intelligent skater girl at school who tries to ignore the name calling. UGH!" "Hey chill out you being stressed just makes me stressed." I said. *Elizabeth's mind* You aren't pretty like me you skanky bitch-Nessie. "Nessie get your bitchy voice out of me head!" Liz screamed and started crying. I leaned in and wiped her tears away again breathing, "Happy Birthday Beautiful." stirring her hair. Then I kissed her wrapping my arms around her waist.

*Elizabeth's POV*
Seth finally told me Happy Birthday but just in a single breath stirring my hair before he kissed me. Seth is kissing me! I didn't know what to do at first because I was taken by surprise. He pulled me closer to him with his hands around my waist. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Best part of this 16th birthday ever. Ha Jake can't kiss Nessie cause he'll get yelled at by Bella.

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