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*Jake's POV*
Sue came up to me and asked if I've seen Seth or Liz. I said, "No." "Okay can you please find them before it starts raining?" Sue asked. I nodded and headed into the woods. I was halfway into the woods when it started pouring. I turned left and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Seth and Liz were making out, Seth shirtless of course and it was raining. I made a clearing sound with my throat startling the two. Liz looked down and avoided my gaze and Seth just kinda glared at me. "Sorry dude, your mom wants you two back at the party." I said. Seth kinda groaned and then Seth and Liz got up. The three of us headed back to Liz's rained out party.

*Edward's POV*
Jake came back and his mind was a jumbled mess, but the one subject that kept coming back up was that he interrupted Seth and Liz kissing. I'm going to talk to Seth later

*Elizabeth's POV*
The rest of the party was okay. I got a kiss from Seth (highlight of my night). Sue got me a camera. Alice got me a dress that I will probably never wear. Then I got a package that no one knew who it was from. It told me not to open it until later. Weird. So after the party Seth took me home. When I was inside and knew Seth was gone I opened that package. It was just a letter that said: Got you. Ha Aro will be so proud. Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Next thing I knew someone barged in my house and shoved me against the wall. "Fuck off." I growled. The person's skin was cold and his breath reeked with the smell of blood. I mumbled, "Filthy blood sucker." The guy must of heard me because he shoved me harder into the wall and made me look at him. "Can I help you?" I asked. The vampire said, "Well I don't know why Aro wants you. You have no powers, you're all human." Shut up." I said. He leaned in closer and said, "Well at least you're not ugly." and kissed me. I forced him off of me and said, "I have a boyfriend." "Pity so beautiful." He said. Then another person entered my house and said, "Felix stop messing around. We have a job to do." Both my arms were grabbed and Felix said, "Fine Demtri, but why does Aro even want this human?" "To get the Cullens to pay for what they did." Demtri said. I was so confused. I was dragged against my will to water. I said, "Just because you guys can breathe underwater doesn't mean I can." "She's got a point Felix." Demtri said. Felix kept pulling me through the water. I went completely under.

*Alice's POV*
What are Felix and Demtri doing here? They have what seems to be a human, but why? "Alice what did you see?" Jasper asked. I stuttered, "I-I don't really know. Demtri and Felix have a human and are taking them to Italy." "What?!" Edward freaked out. Seth asked, "Where did they get the human from?" "A white house with a green truck in front of it and...." I said. Seth stormed out before I could finish. Jake said, "I think Seth knows who the Vultori took and I can make a guess." "Who?" Carlisle asked. Edward reading Jake's thoughts said, "Eli." "What?!" I asked confused. Jake explained, "So Liz is Elizabeth. So she is Seth's imprint. When she ran away she didn't die and she is human." "Carlisle I thought you said she died when she was 12." Bella interrupted. Edward said, "That was the vampire half." Then we all went after Seth.

*Seth's POV*
I arrived at Liz's house and barged into the already cock eyed door. I saw an imprint of Liz's body in the wall and on the floor an note and the box that told Liz to not open it till she was alone. I picked up the note and read it. Got you. Aro will be so proud. Happy Birthday Elizabeth! I growled and stormed out of the house worried and pissed off, the others arrived as I walked out.

*Edward's POV*
Seth came out of Eli's house and his mind was heated and he wasn't thinking straight. "Hey what's that note in your hand?" Jake asked. Seth growled, "The Vultori wrote a letter and put it in a box as a birthday gift. It's from the box that none of us knew who it was from." "What does it say?" Jasper asked. I snatched it from Seth's hand and could right away tell it was Felix's handwriting. I said, "Felix wrote it. Basically Aro wanted her, but not sure why." "Okay then let's go get her." Emmett said. I said, "Okay. Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Jake, Seth and I will head to Italy to get Eli." "I'll come to and should be able to reason with Aro." Carlisle said. I nodded an okay and we got on a plane to Italy.

*Elizabeth's POV*
Well Felix and Demtri pulled me out of the water and we were in Italy. I was soaking wet, cold and uncomfortable. We walked by a shop and I watched as my light blue eyes flickered red. What?! "Come on Elizabeth!" Felix growled wrapping his arms around my chest. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but he just squeezed his hand tighter and I winced and he smirked. I asked, "Can I just go home?" "No. Aro wants to see you." Demtri said. I asked, "What does the Vultori want from me anyway?" trying to ignore Felix's hands on my chest. Demtri said, "Not sure." Pretty soon we were at the castle and I was drug against my will inside.

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