Chapter 59 - Grandpa's party

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And those thirty minutes did fly by quickly! No sooner had I sat my ass down admiring my baby after jabbing at Rochy for seven minutes straight when my father started calling me to ask where I was.

What kind of parenting controlling crap is this!?

"Come on, Sage. We have to go. You don't have that much time to get ready now." Vin carefully tried to smooth me into leaving. He came to my side, caressed my daughter's cute birthmark, and dropped his arm over my shoulders to guide me out of the room.

"There's still an hour or more left for the party. How long do you think I take to change into a jumpsuit?" Seriously, I don't know if I should be affronted or pity him for the bad feminine experiences he has had.

"I don't know, sis, forget it." He exhaled loudly, as if tired from coaching a particularly difficult child.

I glared at him for a moment, catching him praying, and allowed him to guide me out while trying to think of reasons as to why he might be praying. I didn't do anything wrong.

I haven't even planned anything!

I think he is a religious fanatic.

"Do you go to church every Sunday?" I asked him, suspicious, while we crossed the corridor to reach the elevator.

"What?" He stopped and turned to face me.

"No. Why?" He made a face of confusion, but I'm the confused one.

Why is he always praying if he isn't that religious?

"You're weird." I declared seriously, and he gazed at me as if I had lost my mind.

"No, Sage. You are the weird one." Vin retorqued and put his arm back around my shoulders, signaling the end of our conversation.

I should call Pokemon and put him on baby-watching duty tonight.

Instead of calling him, I texted him while inside the elevator. He was quick to answer and promised to guard the hospital cameras the whole night but to call him when I left for the party because he was going to take a power nap. Weirdo.

And my brother is watching my phone from beside me and trying to play it cool. He's not discreet at all.

"Do you want something?"

"Nope." He quickly answers but then takes a lazy stance against the wall behind us.

"The elevator is taking too long to reach the ground floor today."

"You're just impatient." No sooner had those words left my mouth when the door opened in front of us.

"See?" I gestured with my hands and left the metal box with the weirdo related to me.

One hour later, Vin, dad, and I arrived at the local of grandpa's engagement party. We got in through the back doors and waited for father to spit some more of his nagging instructions like he did at home.

"Diesel is supposed to meet us here..." He mumbled.

"I see Shauwn over there, dad, I'll be right back." Vin quickly interjected and left faster than we could blink.

"Alright. Stay by my side, please, Sage. The place is crawling with dangerous people from other countries, and I don't want to risk your safety."

What does he think I am, a baby?

I've worked for a third of these people, spied on half, and avoided them all!

"I get it. There's no need to repeat yourself. Let's just greet Zeke and Francesco. They're right over there with a lady." I cut him off before he even had the time to speak, leaving him with his mouth open, but he quickly closed it.

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