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I start to wake up to what I think is morning? I don't know, there's no windows or clocks, I'm just going off my instincts. When I wake up however I find myself being covered by something big and furry, and I can't see anything! I try to move and push my hands against the big thing on me. I feel it move up slightly as I push it, and turns out Puro rolled onto me during the night. He gets up and acknowledges him being on me. "Oops. Sorry Colin. I forgot to mention I roll around in my sleep." He says to me. I give him a tired smile and say: "heh it's fine. Did give me a good scare though." He gets up off me and I sit up. We both look to our side to see Purr cutely snuggling her pillow. She then slowly wakes up and looks towards us. "M-Morning." She says to us as she rubs her eyes.

Puro walks over and pets her head as she wakes up. My stomach then starts to rumble. I'm starting to feel hungry, and I didn't even think about food yesterday. "So uh, What's for breakfast?" I ask them. Puro turns to me as I speak and says: "We can make pancakes if you want!" A smile grows on my face as he says this. Sounds like this is definitely gonna be a good day, at least better than yesterday. "Yeah I'd love that!" I say to him. He then stands up and gestures for us to follow him. Me and Purr get up and follow him out of the Pillow room. We walk through the Hidden rooms until we reach an opening. When we walk out we find ourselves in a simple little kitchen. Puro flips a light switch and the lights in the kitchen turn on, which makes it look a little more impressive. I look to one end of the kitchen and there's an opening that leads into a huge library. 

As Puro gets the stove ready and Purr gets ingredients out, I wonder out into the huge library. There's so many shelves with so many books on them! I see novels, comic books, and graphic novels... comic books and graphic novels are kinda the same thing aren't they? Eh who cares, they both have pictures. As I look down the isles of the library I even see history books, as well as some very old books! They look like the originals! How many books does Puro have? Just then I hear Purr call me, making her cute high pitched call echo through the library. I walk back to the kitchen and see the pancake batter already made and on the stove.

"Would you like to flip the pancake Colin?" Puro asks me as he holds up the spatula. I haven't really flipped a pancake with flipping pancakes, but I guess it can't be that hard. "Yeah sure!" I say to him. He hands the spatula to me and I walk to the pan. I gently shove the spatula underneath the pancake, and flip it. I kinda mess it up and the edge doesn't fold all the way, making an interesting looking pancake. Puro pats me on the back and says: "It's alright. First try won't always be the best." I laugh and nod at his comment. I get a plate and load my pancake onto it. Puro makes more pancakes for him and Purr. I sit down at a table and take a bite out of my pancake. It tastes pretty good actually!

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