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The Straw Hat crew were still inside the Baratie eating the food that was slowly brought to them

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The Straw Hat crew were still inside the Baratie eating the food that was slowly brought to them. Most of the plates that were on the table were empty and only a few of them still had food in them. All of their food was thanks to Luffy's love for food.

Usopp tells them he can't eat another bite as he has a fork with a piece of meat on it. On the other end of the velvet, Satori was slumped against Zoro. His fingers would gently graze her arm from time to time. The both of them felt content with each other. "Oh, man, you said it." Zoro agreed with Usopp. He uncaps another beer bottle to take a big swing of it.

"I'm not gonna be hungry for a week," Nami commented. Luffy asks if they should order dessert. Zoro tells him he has his dessert by raising his beer bottle. Luffy placed down the bone that he was eating the meat off. "That reminds me. We should do toast. Come on. Grab your glasses." Satori groggily got up from her position to grab her wine. The others (minus Nami) grab their drinks as well.

"To the best crew sailing on the sea and to our victory! Yeah!" Luffy cheers out loud. He clicks his glass of milk against Usopp's beer bottle. Nami spoke up by asking what victory. He answers her question by saying they won against the Marines and it was their first battle. "I don't know how many naval battles you guys have been part of -" Usopp cuts her off by saying he has been a part of two dozen which is a lie. "But that was a disaster. We were unprepared, uncoordinated. By all rights, we should be at the bottom of the sea."

Usopp points out that aren't because Luffy and Satori saved them. That pissed her off more. "Are we really going to ignore the elephant in the room right now? You didn't think to mention your grandfather was a Marine? And not just any Marine, a vice-admiral! I don't know about you three, but I didn't sign up for that." Satori noticed Luffy's expression change when Nami was yelling at him. She was pissed at her. Just as she was about to say something to her, Zoro beat her to it. "You raided a Marine base. Of course that'll make you a target." He points out.

Nami glared at Zoro. "If I stole the map, no one would've known I was there, as opposed to wrecking a base commander's office," Satori tells her that someone in the base would know that the map was missing since she knocked a Marine unconscious and stole his uniform.

Sanji comes by the table again with the bill. "Your bill, sir." He sets it down before putting his hands in his pockets again. Luffy held up a finger, signaling Nami to put the conversation on hold. He signs his name on the bill with the pen that was provided. "Thank you, my good man." He picked up the paper and tray. An amused smile grew on his face. "No, sir. Thank you." Sanji walks away.

Luffy opens his mouth to continue the conversation. "I'm not saying it's good that the Marines are on our tail, but we showed them that they can't just roll over us." Nami sighs at his words. "This crew, our crew, can handle anything."

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