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The crew were all shocked that Luffy's Grandpa was a Marine

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The crew were all shocked that Luffy's Grandpa was a Marine. "Did you just call that guy Grandpa?" Zoro asks him. Another cannon fires narrowly missing the ship. Satori says they can worry about that later but first, they need to survive an attack from the Marines. Another cannon fires and this one hits the ship. "Hit the deck!" Usopp yells.

All of them took cover. Zoro brought Satori close to his chest. The force of the cannonball was strong, it hit the wood railing and sent a few of them flying back. "Everybody okay?" Luffy asks as he gets up. Nami says she thinks so and Usopp is just full-on panicking. Luffy orders him to fire back. He suggests they can sail away as fast as they can.

Luffy decides to fight back at the Marines. Satori watches from the sideline as Usopp tries to put the cannonball into the cannon. He drops it, making the rest of them roll down the ship. "This is stupid." She mutters. Satori uses her waterbending to create some sort of water shield between the oncoming cannons from hitting the Going Merry.

From the Marine ship, all of the Marines watch in shock. Garp speaks through his snail megaphone to the crew. "Pirate vessel, by order of the Marines, drop the water shield, lower your sails, and submit to my authority." Like a child disobeying their parents, Luffy yells never.

"Luffy, this isn't the time to act like a child. Act like a Captain." Satori says to him. She hasn't used her waterbending to cover something huge like a ship before. Slowly the water shield comes down, exposing the ship again. Garp throws a cannonball directly at them with a powerful force. Using his devil fruit powers, Luffy sucks in the air making him stretch tall and big. The cannonball bounces on his stomach and goes directly back to the Marine Ship causing damage to happen.

Satori, Zoro, Luffy, Nami, and Usopp watch from the Going Merry as the Marine ship begins to fall apart. "That was amazing. You saved us!" Usoop exclaimed. Satori sits on the ground as a wave of exhaustion passes through her body. He and Luffy start cheering at the victory they had with the Marines. "Nami, get us out of here."

"On it. Let's disappear." She sails the ship into a huge fog.

.☆。• *₊°。 ✮°。

Satori was lying next to Luffy. What she did earlier took a lot of energy out of her. The two of them are just in comfortable silence. She hasn't asked him about his Grandpa being the Vice Admiral Marine and doesn't want to get into it. He is picking at his damaged hat.

Nami told Zoro to talk to him since he was his first mate. He goes over to where he is. Zoro glances at him and Satori. "Hey, how you doing?" Luffy says he is great but his hate took some hits in the battle. He asks him if he wants to talk about the battle. Luffy says no so Zoro walks away. Satori raised an eyebrow at his retreating figure. He isn't good at talking about his feelings and neither is Luffy.

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