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Satori never thought her life would come to this. The only thing she had been doing ever since the day pirates attacked her home looking for her. She had been hopping from island to island never staying in one place for too long so no pirate would capture her and use her.

It went wrong at the age of fifteen. Satori was heading back to the room she had been using for the week when she felt a knife touch her neck. A gruff voice followed ordering her to come with him.

She tried to attack the person but soon more people came, all of them aiming their weapons at her. Hours later Satori was tied up on a pirate ship. The captain of the ship forced her to use her powers to destroy whoever crossed him and his crew.

She refused at first which wasn't a good idea. As punishment, the Captain stabbed her deep in both legs and her right arm. That made Satori learn her lesson. Over the next three months, she was just seen as a weapon and nothing else.

She was treated like scum. Barely getting anything to eat. Satori lived in a small room and would only be brought out to use her bending powers. Her life was hell. She just wanted to be gone to be reunited with her parents. She wanted to be in their embrace and feel safe.

One day on the sea, Satori made a big mistake by disobeying the Captain's orders. That earned her a deep scar that went from her neck down to her back earning a blood-curdling scream that was heard throughout the ship. She spent most of the day crying because of the scar. A majority of the crew didn't care about her but one person did.


She helped Satori with the wound that her Captain caused. Satori didn't trust her at all, which Rory understood. Since that night she would sneak into her room at night to give her food and company.

There were times when animals would go on the ship. Satori remembered her father telling her that waterbenders can also use bloodbending to control someone's body. She had slowly been using it on small animals. Satori started to plan her escape.

Days passed by and her bloodbending grew stronger. One day when one of the crewmates came into her room to taunt her, Satori raised her hand making the person freeze his body. "Don't make a sound." She threatens. She took the closest sharpest object and slit his throat with ease. It felt liberated.

Satori got out of her room with blood on her clothes. The Captain saw her state and was scared. She loved the fear in his eyes. Making the man who tortured and used her for nearly a year freeze in fear.

Within minutes most of the crew was dead. Satori brutally killed the Captain because he killed Rory for treating her like a decent human being. First, she made him go through tremendous torture then gave him a final death.

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