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Everyone sat around the table as Suu served drinks."I see a few new faces. "

Hunter gestered to the others." Echo, Omega this is Cut and Suu.",

Suu smiled." pleased to meet you."

Echo nodded." ma'am."

Cut looked around. "Where's crosshair?"

Hunter signed." it's complicated."

"Sounds familiar." cut sighed." Rex told us about the clone troopers turning on the Jedi...."

Echo stood straigter." you talked to Rex? When?"

"Well he passed through yesterday., "

"Where did he go?"

"Didn't ask. He was going on about some behavioral implant."

Omega walked forward. "He must mean the inhibitor chip."

Hunter looked at omega. "The what?"

"Inhibitor chips! The kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior."

"Tech, you said the regs were programmed but you never mentioned a chip."

"How else did you think it worked!"

The door suddenly flew opened and two small children ran in. "Mom, Dad! There's a ship outside!"

Wrecker went to call out to the kids but a voice interrupted him.

"Yo! Cut we have company!" In walked a woman with fire red hair her eyes glued to a data pad. " it looks like a modified omicron class attack shuttle. I found it signature and I'm running it to see who they are."

Echo staired at the woman his mouth opened. She was different since the last time he had seen her. "Kat!"

Katness froze at hearing her nickname very few used. Looking up at afamiliar person she gasped dropping her datapad."Echo!" within a second she was around the corner her arms wrapped around the clone's neck.

Echo wrapped his arms around the woman holding her close. "Hello, little loth-cati"

Kat leaned back looking at him, "how are you here? I saw the destruction of the Citadel."

Echo went to answer an noticed the two scars down her cheek. "What happened here?"

"Rex wouldn't let me go back in. I wasn't going to leave you. But Rex and fives pulled me back."

"I'm sorry little loth-cat I never wanted you to worry."

Kat took that moment to look echo over seeing the mechanical modifications on his persons, "enough about me what happen to you."

"Wat Tambor and the techno union took me prisoner and experimented on me."he frowned." didn't Rex explain everything?"

"He never got a chance after losing you and fives I got out. I went off on the Jedi council telling them I wasn't a pawn. I had lost to many men who had became my brothers, I didn't want to lose anyone else. " she stepped back looking her adopted brother, another look over. "How long have you been back?"

"A year." he gestured to the men around him."it was thanks to clone force 99- they come and rescued me. "

She smiled at the group." thank you for saving my brother." she nodded to hunter "my names Katnes Inkari but you can call me kat or loth-cat."

Hunter shook her hand." I'm Hunter, this is tech, wrecker and omega."

Kat smiled." Hi" She looked at omega "hello sweetie."

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