Leaving salencami!

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Seeing the troopers bearing down on the other Hunter and katness jumped the barrier Hunter jumping onto a crate wrecker had thrown kicking one trooper.as another fired Katness rolled across Hunter's back dodging the blaster fire before kicking the blaster from the troopers hands dropping and kicking his feet out from under him.Hunter quickly grabbing the blaster shot the next clone trooper.

As one of the trooper got up katness pulled her blade from her back throwing it grazing the junction of the clones legs making him cower back down. Seeing more troopers heading their way they both quickly joined the others.

Tech looked over." glad you two could make it!"

Kat pulled out her dual blasters and fired back. "What are we waiting fur? "

Echo called up." The clamp's still magnetized. The system's not responding."

Katness glanced back." Run a bypass through the central Networking system."

Tech looked at katness surprised."usually that would work but they're closed everything out."

Hunter nodded to wrecker making kat smile "I guess there is a reason he is called wrecker." as he moved to the clamp kat back up with him giving him cover.


Echo joined kat giving cover fire. "Is it always this exciting with you guys?"Echo laughed.

There was a big grunt then crash behind them, "it responded to that."

Hunter and Tech worked there way back, Tech and Echo boarding first firing up the engines. Hunter and kat boarded stopping when Wrecker spoke.

"Wait. Omega's not back.'

Hunter looked back."wrecker, she's not..."

"Wait for me!" they looked up seeing Omega. She started running toward them,

Seeing a trooper waking up katness shot down the ramp running for omega,Just as the trooper grabbed her kat tackled the trooper away knocking his head against the wall. "Omega! Go!"As she pushed omega toward the ship a white-hotpain in her shoulder made her cry out.

Hunter's eyes widened seeing katness being shot and falling to her knees. "Wrecker get omega!" as the large clone got omega into the ship Hunter got to kat's side firing on 2 approaching troopers. "Come on!" He grabbed her non-injured arm pulling her up and into the ship." Get us out of here Tech,"

The Marauder lifted and made its way into space. Hunter grabbing a cloth holding it to her shoulder making her grit her teeth. Once in hyperspace Hunter moved katness to the chair behind the pilot seat. "Tech she's hit."

Tech and echo turned looking at the injured woman. She smirked. "Don't worry I've had worse."

Tech turned scanning her." It is at least superficial. Hunter give me the med kit."

Omega brought the medical kit."I'm sorry you got hurt cause of me."

Katness pulled the young girl to her non-injured side."No little Nebula it isn't your fault."


"Why not When I see you I think of a Nebula."She hissed as Tech applied some bacta.

Tech wrapped a bandage around the wound ''There you go."

She fixed her shirt. "Thank you tech."

He moved back to the front and omegaand wrecker headed toward the back. Hunter moved to kat's side "You dropped this." He held out her vibro-blade.

She took it sliding it back into her holster, which she had removed from her back. "I didn't lose it I threw it at a trooper."

Hunter chuckled . "Yeah, you used it to threaten his manhood."He sat across from her. "That was some fighting... Kitten. "

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