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When I close my eyes, all I can think of is what happened that day. Your screams as you felt that excrutiating pain. The sound of your cold body hitting the floor.

I see you in my dreams, even though you're gone. But every single time, I am weak, and I lose you.

I lie down once again on a cold night and close my eyes, hoping for a change.

Then the man who took you away from me comes again in my dreams. The blood is spilling. I'm crying out your name, but no one seems to hear me.

I pull out a gun and threaten the man. But soon, he is gone, leaving me with you. All you do is stand, and wave goodbye again. So I put down my gun, and cry, reaching towards your disappearing figure.

And when I wake, I see my hand stretched to the ceiling. Oh how I wish you were really with me.

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