The beginning.....

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It was a nice warm day in the mushroom kingdom the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming and the delicious fragrance of a freshly baked cake flowing through the air, and into the nose of an Italian plumber, he was wearing a red long sleeve shirt, blue button up overalls, brown tuff and durable shoes, white gloves and a red cap witch bore a white circle with a big red M in it's center. This plumber was the one and only Super Mario, he had just come back from from an adventure in which he was able to visit the stars(Super Mario galaxy in case you were wondering) how he got into that situation... meh you would not believe it even if he told you that.

Mario: *sniff sniff* ah, that cake smells heavenly. But I bet it tastes even better. Wouldn't you agree Luigi.

Luigi, Mario's dear younger (but taller) brother,who wore the same gloves and shoes as his brother, however Luigi's overalls were a deep navey blue and had a green long sleeve shirt and cap with the letter L on it, was sitting next to Mario at the dinner table wondering, how on earth is this silver ware so reflective, being snapped out of his thoughts when Mario started talking to him.

Luigi: huh *looks to his side* oh yeah Mario what's up?

Mario: you were zoning out again weren't you?

Luigi: o..oh I was sorry Mario I didn't notice *shyly smiles* heh.

Mario: hey no need to apologize I was just asking a simple question.

Luigi: oh what was it?

Mario: wouldn't you agree that the cake probably tastes better than it smells?

Luigi: *sniff sniff* oh it will definitely taste better than it smells.

And almost as if the magic words were said five toads (the kingdoms main inhabitants) entered the room ready to serve the brothers anything they wanted from the seven foot long rolling table they got from the kitchen, filled with mouth watering culinary dishes. Of course the main thing that stood out among those plates was the most eye catching, most decorated triple layered vanilla cake with red, blue and yellow star shaped frosting decorations. That got the bros drooling immediately, but before they could dig into all of that delicious food, a particularly high ranking toad came in to get Mario.

???: Mario there you, how are you this fine evening?

This toad spoke with dignity, formality and respect for the red plumber.

Mario: oh hello toadsworth. I'm doing great, how about you?

Mario said in a very cheerful manner.

The toad now known as toadsworth began to speak again.

Toadsworth: I'm doing quite fine as well thanks, oh and before I forget the princess requested to see you on the roof of the castle.

Mario: alright than I'll be up immediately, don't have too much fun without me wegee k, I'll be back. WAHOO!

The Italian shouted in excitement as he ran towards the staircase that lead to the roof.

Now that Peach and Mario were on the roof together they talked and talked so much so they didn't realize that two hours had gone by. Little did they know that today their fate would change forever.


Because Peach had just said that she wanted nothing to change.

Soon a loud boom was heard as a strange, USB like, ufo crash landed in a field just outside of the castle courtyard and soon that ufo started up again opening itself up to reveal an odd recolor of what looked to be.....Mario? The Mario recolor thenopened his mouth to speak.

????: w...where am I?.....w..who am I?

He asked to no one in particular. And than the Mario recolor ran off in a random direction leaving the giant USB to close on its own, a screen then came out of it and read DOWNLOADING LATEST MEMES and from this one ufo a new world was made, completely changing the mushroom kingdom and its people.....


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