2. Revalations In The Dark

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"So why did you become a bartender?" Shinsou asked Izuku, curious, as they sat in the bar, kurogiri cleaning glasses behind him. Izuku smiled, a twinkle in his eyes.

"You'd be surprised how many secrets people are willing to share after a few drinks," Izuku simply settled on that, glancing at Kurogiri for a moment before sighing. "Alright, Kuro, I'm heading out and taking the boy with me," Izuku explained as he tossed the towel that had been sitting on his shoulder out. Kurogiri momentarily made a portal and the rag disappeared.

Shinsou merely stared. But, as Izuku grabbed a heavy backpack that had been sitting on a bar stool, Shinsou followed him out the door. They seemed to walk for what seemed to be forever before they reached an abandoned building. Everything was intact, with surprisingly no broken windows or graffiti.

Shinsou watched as Izuku pulled out a key and began to unlock the door. He opened the door, stepping aside and letting shinsou walk in first. Shinsou couldn't help but be nervous as Izuku locked the door after they were inside, before flicking on the lights.

"This, my friend, is a special place I like to call the training room, it's used for other things, but mostly training," Izuku explained as he proudly put his hands on his hips, a wide grin on his face. Shinsou looked around with a raised eyebrow.

The place wasn't much, but it was covered in wires in one area, leading into a backroom that Shinsou wasn't sure he wanted to know what was in there. It had solid concrete floors, with a few holes that looked like they were made from someone's heel. Other than the mats that littered the floor and the wires, there was nothing else in the place.

"Simple," Hitoshi hummed as he looked around, before noticing a bird hanging from a ceiling wire, staring at him with an expression that made him shiver. Birds aren't supposed to have expressions.

"Come here, Hammie!" Izuku clicked his tongue and the bird took off suddenly, making Shinsou duck to avoid being hit. Izuku merely laughed, but held up his hands at the purple-haired boys glare. The bird itself was beautiful, with an array of green feathers, all ranging from different shades. It's tail feathers were an bright Yellow color, and it's claws and eyes red.

"You named it... Hammie?" Shinsou deadpanned as he looked at the bird. It seemed to have an expression that said 'fuck you'without actually saying it. Hammie let out a screech before clinging to Izukus long sleeve shirt, hanging upside down on his arm by hooking its claws into the shirt.

Did he mention it was not only a bigger sized bird, but it's claws were alarmingly sharp, long, and thick?

"Hammie is a bird that was being experimented on, so he doesn't really have a specific breed, so I call it chaos. But yes, I did name my bird Hammie," Izuku explained with a delighted smile.

"Anyway, getting to the point. I brought you here because I am going to train you, and you will work with me, on not only physical skills but also mental. Don't ask me for a quirk, because I don't have one," Izuku explained, twirling around and heading towards the room that Shinsou originally saw.

Shinsou merely gaped after him. "You don't have a quirk?!" He asked in shock and Izuku laughed bitterly as he shook his head. "I'm just like Eraserhead, but without a quirk. I have to learn how to defend and attack while having a Lack of something you guys have, it leaves me in the open and such, but I manage," Izuku continued on as he walked into the room, flicking a switch.

The room was lit up suddenly, replacing the eerie green glow that had been in it before, with a normal light setting. Though it seemed dimmer. Hammie squeaked, Shinsou found it odd the amount of noises he made, and moved to Izukus shoulder, his abnormally long claws spread out on the boys shoulder. Izuku didn't seem to notice the grip the bird had, as if he was used to it.

The room, Shinsou realized as he glanced around, was filled with computers. They covered almost every inch of the room, except where two very very large boards with tons of pictures sat on the wall, all had red markings and maps placed over them. He noticed a picture of Izuku and a green haired woman, buy didn't ask questions as he turned his focus back to the greenette.

"This is the analysis room, where I do my work. As you could tell, I would be concerned if you didn't, I don't actually work for the League. I am working with them for information, while slowly feeding them others' secrets, but I despise them. Anyway, the point is this is how I keep tabs on everything and everyone."

Izuku turned and flicked another switch, making the computers light up, all having loads of information that was seemingly in a different language. Shinsous language skills for other languages wasn't that strong, but he knew enough to tell that it wasn't a recognizable language, it was a code.

"Anyway, Yada Yada, my past sucks and I was also bullied as a kid, but we shouldn't focus as much on that as I would really love to start working you to death," Izuku grinned at the boy who sweatdropped and got nervous.

"As long as it doesn't have anything to do with Hammie," Shinsou said cautiously, eyeing the green bird on the boys shoulder, who squeaked out something that vaguely sounded like 'F U' Izuku snickered at whatever it was and gave the bird a little high-five that the bird returned with his head.

As odd as this kid was, Shinsou couldn't help but wonder how bad the bullying was, especially if he didn't even want to talk about it. Shinsou made a silent vow to himself, as he had taken a liking to the odd boy.

He wouldn't be bullied again while Shinsou was there

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