5. Past Wounds

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Izuku wasn't sure he could do this. He was here, at UA, ready to go to class. But it seemed his bully, Katsuki Bakugou, was also there waiting for him. Izuku was jumped on as soon as he walked through the door with Hitoshi. Katsuki grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up as Izuku grit his teeth, trying to push the flashbacks out of his mind so he could focus.

Hitoshi suddenly ran forward, grabbing a hold of Katsukis hands and prying them away from the greenette. "What is your problem?!" Hitoshi shouted at the blonde and Izuku took a breath, leaning over as he reached out to grab Hitoshi to stop him from furthering the argument.

"So, the freak has a friend?" Katsuki snarled as he narrowed his eyes. "Obviously he hasn't told you, he's quirkless,"  Katsuki stated with a smirk, crossing his arm and taking a step back as a crowd started to form, whispering about Izuku's quirkless status.

"Whats going on here?" A familiar voice spoke up and Hitoshi turned to see Aizawa, with Nezu walking beside him. Hitoshi could feel his panic rise up and he gaped, trying to get his words out. "Whats happening is, I was just making sure this freak knows his place as a quirkless kid, the bottom," Katsuki piped up in victory, thinking the teachers at UA would be like his middle school teachers.

But Aizawas face turned grim and he looked angry, eyes lighting up as his hair started to float. Katsukis smile was wiped off of his face, turning scared as Aizawa took a step forward. Nezu walked up to Izuku, patting him on the leg gently. "Here at UA, we don't condone quirk discrimination, or bullying, no matter how small it may be," Nezu replied smoothly.

Izuku glanced at the principal, trying to calm his beating heart. "Now, Izuku Midoriya, I'd like to speak to you in my office, privately," he added, glancing at Shinsou. Izuku turned to the boy and gave him a wink, making his face flush.

"I'll see you in class!"


Inko gripped the phone a tad tighter before slamming it down on the table, almost cracking the screen. She was just informed that her son has been bullied by none other than Katsuki Bakugou. Anger filled her at the thought. She should've seen the signs, but the two were childhood best friends.

But the truth was her son knew how to hide things. And he knew her well. Inko shouldered on a jacket, muttering about murder before she left the house. It was time to set Katsuki Bakugou, and his mother, straight.

"So, you want me to be a double agent?" Izuku asked the moment Katsuki left the room for the time being. He knew his mother was on the way up there, and he knew she'd be pissed. So, might as well get the conversation out of the way before all hell breaks loose.

"Yes, an eye for an eye you could say, though I hope no one is losing theirs," Nezu explained with a grin, almost making Izuku shiver. The chimera could look scary when he wanted to. Izuku nodded, contemplating the risks.

He could end up dying by a villains hand, due to his own fuck ups, but it wasn't any less dangerous than the information trading that he had already been doing.

"I'll get in touch with Tsukauchi, let him know you sent me, and we'll see what we can work out," Izuku decided as he stood up. He had heard her enter the hallway, his mother was here.

"You and your bitch of a son here have been a pain in my backside for way too long! Then to find out he's been bullying my son!?" Inko shouted at Mitsuki as she waved her hands around as she talked, looking a little crazy.

"Mom, just come in the office to talk about it," Izuku sighed as he noticed some teachers glancing at them curiously. Inko huffed but silenced herself and crossed her arms, walking in the office with Izuku.

"Katsuki would do no such thing!" Mitsuki said in horror as Nezu recited all of the history of abuse that he had seen on the middle schools security tapes. Mitsuki glanced at her son to get him to agree with her but he merely glanced down in shame, not meeting his mother's eyes.

Mitsuki was slowly becoming furious with her son. "I want him taken out of the hero course for a week. Once he learns his lesson he'll be back," she decided suddenly. If he wouldn't do it himself then Mitsuki would force him to respect people.

The meeting ended with Mitsuki dragging out Katsuki by his ear, which was amusing to both mother and son. But then Inko turned on her son.

"You didn't tell me, nor did you defend yourself, why?" Inko demanded and Izuku turned red, before sighing. "I don't want them to 'know my true colors' per say, if I act dumb now then prove them wrong later they might not think about me being quirkless," Izuku explained before sighing in defeat and hanging his head.

Nezu awkwardly slid out of his chair and left the room, giving the mother and son time.

Inko sighed and brought her son in for a hug, gently caressing his curls as she held him. She would always remember the night she brought him home from the hospital as a baby, and when he was a toddler she would hold him tight after nightmares, always assuring him she'd be there.

Now was no different, she'd always be there. Izuku seemed to break the moment his mom hugged him. They just hadn't in so long.. sometimes Izuku forgot that there were more people than just him and the villains. He had someone who loved him, and at the end of the day he had someone to return home to.

"You will never be just known as quirkless. The world will remember you for who you are, Izuku," Inko explained, pulling back to look him in the eyes.

Izuku smiled, even as his heart ached.

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