3. Drown Out Lies

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Imagine his surprise when Izuku is walking to work, and spies Shinsou, on the floor getting beaten up. Izuku fumed inside as he listened to the words they said to him, they weren't the same as what he heard but they were damn close to it.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Izuku barked out as he walked up. One of the guys smirked as he recognized him but frowned when he walked closer, until he was within reach. Izuku took a deep breath and stilled himself within a second, allowing his opponent to drop their guard before he punched him, hearing a sickening but satisfying crack where his nose was.

The kid looked miserable as blood poured from his nose and he stumbled back. All of the kids paled as they realized that Izuku knew how to fight, and they backed off, leaving the kid who had stumbled behind. "Bully him again and it will be your arm next time," Izuku snarled, making the boy whimper in fear before he scattered.

Izuku shook his hand out, feeling a familiar tightness before glancing down at Shinsou and helping him up. Izuku decided to cancel his work for the day, making the decision to take Shinsou to his house.

"Let's go patch up your scrapes and shit," Izuku ground out. There was a tightness in his chest, an all too familiar look in Shinsous eyes that Izuku remembered. He dealt with it for years before he snapped and broke a kids arm. He got in trouble of course, berated about how it could affect the boys quirk but he wouldn't understand because he was jut a worthless deku-

Izuku realized he had begun to speed walk and slowed down, allowing a panting Shinsou to catch up.

"Sorry, I got in my head," Izuku explained with an apologetic smile as they arrived at their destination. It was a simple two-story house that was painted a light shade of blue, it seemed normal in the neighborhood, though rather tiny. Izuku ushered Shinsou inside and slammed the door roughly behind them, making Shinsou jump.

"MA I BROUGHT SOMEONE WHO NEEDS PATCHED UP!" Izuku screamed, making Shinsou wince before he noticed a woman walk into the room. She had long green hair that matched Izukus in shade, though Izuku had black streaks in his, and her eyes were just like the boys. She had a round plump face, but a slim and fit body. She had muscle, and a lot of it, Shinsou noted with curiosity.

She smiled and stuck out her hand, already inspecting his wounds as she did so. Izuku also smiled and gave an encouraging nod to Hitoshi, who seemed shy. "Shinsou Hitoshi," he finally replied as he took her hand. She definitely had Izukus strength when it came to hand shakes.

"Midoriya Inko, now, let's get you fixed up as I'm sure this must be uncomfortable," she said sweetly, eyeing the cut on his leg that had dried blood in it.

"I could have taken care of myself yknow-"
"But you didnt."

Shinou was taken back by the tone in Izukus voice as he ground out a response. Shinsou knew he was bullied, and Izuku had the same hollow look he did when he watched someone get bullied. It was an all too familiar feeling. But, based on how he was reacting, his peers abuse may have been much more severe than Shinsous.

Inko spared a glance at her son before whistling, ducking as Hammie flew down the stairs as a blur, landing on Izukus shoulder and picking at his ear. "Thanks ma," Izukus mood seemed to clear up in a minute, and Inko led Shinsou to the couch as she instructed him to sit on the couch and prop his leg up on the table.

"Don't worry about him too much, he was bullied too so its hard for him, he does care about you though. Or else he wouldn't have brought you to me," Inko winked, making Shinsou blush as he realized what she meant. Izuku probably cared for very few people, and the fact that Shinsou was one of them despite just having met meant something. Shinsou couldn't help but feel special.

Izuku reentered the room, looking a lot camer than when he had left, and he plopped down onto the couch next to Shinsou, making sure not to jostle the boy as Inko cleaned his leg.

"I'll put some numbing on it, which will be a shot, but then I'll stitch you up. You won't feel it, okay?" Inko explained as she pointed to the cut. And only now did Shinsou see how deep it actually was. He seemed to pale at the thought of the needle, Izuku noticed silently.

So, Izuku covered Shinsous eyes suddenly as his mom dug out the needle, before Shinsou realized what was happening his mother had already gave him the injection. "Hey!" Shinsou shouted as he pried the greenettes hand away from his eyes, blinking as he could feel the numbness setting in.

"She already did it!" Izuku cackled, making Shinsou swat him lightly. Inko watched the two with amusement, she knew her son didn't have many friends, and since he had been working at the bar he was usually around adults, which left little time for social interaction eith his peers. She was happy he now had someone he could not only relate to, but take care of.

She focused on making the stitches straight and close, wanting to sew up the wound as well as she could before putting antibiotic and bandages on it. She realized, as she worked, that the two boys had gone silent. Izuku was watching with and analytical gaze, she knew that meant he was trying to learn what she was doing, and Shinou seemed to have a horrified look, watching in odd fascination.

"Cool , isn't it?" Inko asked as she finished up, putting antibiotic on it and bandaging it to where it would help the stitches not tear. Shinsou gulped but nodded, looking ill as Izuku said nothing.

"You should be good to go! Have Izuku walk you home, and comeback if you need anything!" Inko beamed at the boy, and he almost squinted. She was as bright as Izuku. But now came the topic of heading home, which Shinsou was dreading.

"Time for you to come with ma, we got a situation on our hands," Izuku interrupted, sensing Hitoshis hesitation. Inko glanced at Izuku with surprise, looking grim as they seemed to silently communicate with each other. She shrugged and grinned.

"Let's go kick some asses."

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