10: fix what's broken inside

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"I swear he's up to something, it just doesn't make sense that he would know where that building was," Uraraka explained to the others as they sat at the lunch table. "Maybe he's just doing some other work? I don't think he's a villain," Asui spoke up as she ate her food. The group was tired of hearing Urarakas views and theories on Izuku.

"Maybe he's just a normal teenager like us," Shinsou grumbled as he stabbed his food. Uraraka narrowed her eyes at him. 
"Says the one who's always around him," she muttered under her breath, making a noise before standing to throw her tray away.

The group rolled their eyes at her antics, but deep down they all knew something.


"He's beginning to suspect me, I need to do more work and quickly before he fully figures out what I'm doing," Izuku explained as he paced in Nedzus office. He was trying to devise a plan, to foil All For Ones plans. But Izuku knew he couldn't do it alone, he knew the man was starting to suspect he was up to something.

"Izuku, Toshinori wants to talk to you," Nedzus explained and Izuku stopped short, his head snapping up in alarm. "No offense, but is the man stupid?" Izuku questioned suddenly, realization dawning on him.

He knew what Toshinori wanted to talk to him about. He knew he would want him to take his quirk. He knew... Everything about that man (mostly) and yet, he still questioned if the man had an actual brain.

Giving Izuku the quirk would be horrendous! Not only could it get Izuku killed, it could get the entire civilization killed! Izuku rambled under his breath as Nedzu watched, unsure what to do before there was a knock on the door. Toshinori had arrived.

The older man shuffled his feet as Nedzu welcomed him in, not liking the way Izuku glared at him.

"Did I-"
"Yes! Yes you did, you stupid, stupid man! I will not take that quirk!" Izuku exploded the minute the man opened his mouth to ask whether or not h did something wrong. Toshinori was taken back by the snap in the boys voice, and the way he didn't even seem to hesitate.

Izuku was angry, there were so many more good candidates, and yet the man wanted him? A Quirkless reject who only had one friend? Izukus chest heaved as his anger built up, getting stronger by the minute as Toshinori gaped at him, not appearing to understand.

"My boy, think about this," Toshinori started slowly, having enough sense to see that Izuku was angry. Izuku shook his head, turning on his heel and storming out of the office, shutting the door with such force it cracked.

"He's scary strong," Toshinori muttered under his breath and Nezu simply smiled.


Izuku had to breathe, he had to take a break. Walking off of school grounds, he continued towards his building. As he arrived, he found the door slightly ajar, and began to crouch, knife once again in his hand. But as he walked in and saw only Hammie, he began to relax.

That was when a bag was thrown over his head.

Alarmed, Izuku fought against whoever was near him, lashing out with the knife. Landing his target, Izuku head a soft grunt. He stilled, waiting, sensing. There were more around him, watching their fallen coworker and debating if they should complete the job. Izuku crouched, thankful that he kept spare knives on him, and palmed yet another one.

That was before everything went dark.


"What do you mean my son's been kidnapped?!" Inko demanded as she paced the office, much like Izuku had. "He walked off school ground, Inko, there was no one there when it happened," Aizawa explained and suddenly there came a shrill high pitched screaming like sound as Hammie flew through the open window.

Nedzu turned to the bird, making a noise in the back of his throat as he listened to the bird.

"The league, they took him and they said they want information in return for him," Nedzu sighed as he turned back to the group, monitoring the bird in his peripheral vision.

"We have to give them something, or else they won't let him go," Nezu sighed and Toshinori shook his head.

"Give them a couple of days, they won't return him anyway," Toshinori suggested and Inko turned on him, glaring at him like he was crazy. Toshinori got an odd sense of Deja-Vu from the way she was glaring at him and he backed off.

That was, before the office door was slammed open and in walked Hisashi Midoriya, looking even more pissed than his wife was.

"You let my son walk off campus, knowing the risks?" Hisashi demanded and Toshinori frowned.

"Midoriya knew the risks-"
Toshinori started to speak before Hisashi turned on him.

"You of all people know how dangerous and smart my father can be, you've battled him! And yet, you not only wanted to give my son your power, but you let him go!" Hisashi raged, eyes alight as smoke started to filter from his mouth.

"Hisashi," Nedzu snapped and the smoke was gone in an instant, with Hisashi backing off quicker than All-Might knew was possible.

"Make a plan, we shall negotiate with them immediately. They have to want something more than information."


"Where's Izuku, Sir?" Hitoshi asked as he jogged up to their homeroom teacher. The man seemed troubled about something, and after lunch the entire class had noticed Izuku was missing.

"Sit down. Class!" Aizawa raised his voice slightly to get everyone's attention. Everyone sat down, trying to talk in low voices before Aizawa shushed them.

"Midoriya disappeared earlier today, and according to some... Things... It is apparent he's been kidnapped by the league of villains. I urge you all to stay on campus, we're camping out in the classrooms," Aizawa explained and surprise and excitement flitted between them.

Excitement at getting to stay at the school, but surprise at the fact of Midoriya being kidnapped. Shinsou felt like his world was spinning. He only let Izuku out of his sights for a couple hours, hell the boy had been with Nedzu!

Even as capable as the boy was, Shinsou knew he was not invincible.

A/N: this feels kind of rushed, but enjoy anyway! I'm getting my notes put together, as I have the next five chapters planned.

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