Eggs (Chapter Three)

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Sam’s POV

I wake up to the delightful smell of Grace’s armpit. I carefully move her arm away from my face, making sure not to wake her up. The movement slightly moves the blanket off her chest, and even though I don’t want to, I put it back. I climb out of the bed and pad silently over to where my boxers are. Slipping them on, I quietly go into the kitchen to make Grace and I some eggs. I look into the fridge, but there is nothing there.

“Shit,” I say to myself as I remember that we are in a hotel. Grace won’t remember that cause’ she was sleeping the entire time we were flying! I race over to the phone to order room service.

“Hello. California Wolf Hotel room service, how may I help you?”

“Hey. Um… do you guys have eggs? Oh, and coffee and um… hot chocolate?”

 “Yes. What sizes for the drinks would you like and how many servings for the eggs?”

“For the drinks, both mediums please and for the eggs… 10 servings.”

“Are you sure that’s not too many eggs?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Okay. Your food will be up in 15-20 minutes.”

“Thank you,” I say as I hang up.

I walk back into the bedroom to wake Grace up, but she’s already texting away on her phone.

“Summer girl, I ordered us some breakfast.”

“Good,” she replies, not looking up from her phone. “Where are we anyway?”


“Really?! Well, this could be fun.”

I look at her haystack of hair, and climb on the bed to kiss her on the forehead. I sweep her into my arms, cradling her like a baby, knocking her phone onto the floor in the process.

“I love you, Sam Roth,” she laughs, as I tickle her feet.

I stick my head into the crook of her shoulder to breathe in her amazing scent. “And I love you, Grace Roth. Do you want to watch a movie?”

“Yeah, I would love to watch a movie. Are there any good ones on pay-per-view?”

“Hold on a second, I will check,” I say as I grab the converter to turn on the television. As I flip through the channels, I see the perfect movie.

“Really?” she says. “Godzilla?”

“Yes.  Godzilla is cool.”

“Mmhm,” she mumbles as she snuggles up to my side. We continue to watch Godzilla for 7 more minutes before the room service comes.

Grace groans and roughly gets off of me.

“Wait here, I’ll go pay,” I tell her. I walk towards the door, then remember I have to slip on some pants. I think the room service guy would be pretty surprised if I showed up at the door wearing only boxers.  Running into the room, I see my pants on the floor and quickly put them on. Grabbing my wallet off the bedside table, I run to the door and pull it open. The man there looks at my bare chest, then immediately looks at my face.

“Hello,” he says. “10 servings of eggs, one medium hot chocolate and one medium coffee?”


“The payment will be $10.67.”

I pull the money out of my wallet and give it to him, taking the portable wheeling tray thinger from him. I wonder why they needed such a big tray.

“Thanks,” I say, and shut the door in his face.

“Grace, go put some cloths on and we’ll eat!” I yell, going into the kitchen with the food. I take the two drinks  and put them on the table, and look for the eggs. I lift the little table cloth off, revealing the second part of the wheeler. All I see is a huge tray that takes up the entire second level. I don’t understand, and then I do.

“Shit,” I say. I lift the tray off eggs, which is surprisingly heavy, and put it on the table. I take off the cover and look at the gigantic amount of eggs sitting there.

“Wow,” comes a voice from the doorway. I turn around to see Grace standing there with a look of shock on her face.

“Nice dress?” I offer.

“Thanks,” she replies, then comes over to stand beside me and look at the heaping mound of food.

“Let’s eat,” she smiles.

I go over to the cupboard and pull down two plates while Grace grabs two forks. I go to the table and give her her plate, then take a seat across from her. I drink some of my hot chocolate, then put some of the eggs on my plate and begin eating.

“Oh my god, these are delicious,” Grace utters.

“I agree entirely.”  We each have three more plates, but there is still more left.

“Oh well,” I tell her. “We can put it in the fridge for later.”

“Okay,” Grace replies, and grabs the tray and puts it in the fridge.

“So, what do you want to do today?” I ask her.

“Can we go swimming in the ocean?”

“Of course. Anything for my wife.”

Sorry guys, I was gonna write more, but I know I haven’t posted in a while ):

If you have any ideas for the next chapter, feel free to comment them!

Until next time

~ Janelle <3

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