Litter •A Wolves of Mercy Falls Fan-Fiction•

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As I walked down the aisle, my heart pounding in my chest, I remembered the day I was cured. The day I could finally be with Sam forever. I remember the day he proposed to me in the golden forest, everything so beautiful around me, his eyes on mine.

His eyes are on me now, his laughing yellow ones on my intense brown. I miss a step as I take him in, from his black mop of hair to his shiny dress shoes. I suck in my breath. How did I ever get this lucky?

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, I reach where he stands. He take my hands in his, smiling as I smile at him. "God, you are beautiful," he says under his breath. I know that the minister has started saying the words to bind us in marriage, but all I can focus on are his beautiful eyes and his smile, all on his delicious face. I just want to grab his face and kiss it all over. And then he slipped a ring on my finger, and I slipped one on his. The vows. "Grace ever since I saw you, that day in winter, I loved you. And then I got the chance to be with you and I clutched it like a life line that I was never gonna let go. I love you."

"Sam, on that day in winter, when your eyes met mine, I was fascinated. I thought it was impossible for us to be anything more then two pairs of eyes. But then it was possible. My love for you makes the impossible possible. I love you."

"Do you, Grace Rose Brisbane, take this man to be you lawfully wedded husband?" I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Yes." I opened my eyes and smiled boldly at him. "And do you, Samuel Keith Roth take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? "Yes." Absolutely no hesitation. Now I felt bad for closing my eyes when I said yes.

"Then I now pronounce you man, and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sam grins at me and cups my face in his hands. He kisses me, his tongue mingling with mine, his hands still on my face. "Oh god, I love you," he whispers against my lips. "I love you," I whisper back, smiling as I finish.

He finishes the kiss, and suddenly I realize we were already supposed to walk back down the aisle. I blush and turn toward the cheering crowd. I grab Sam's hand and we start to walk back down the aisle, our fingers intwined.


In this moment, I am so happy. I look over at Graces beautiful smiling face, and I know this is what I want for the rest of my life. To be with Grace. To be human and be with Grace. We walk, our steps matching. Suddenly time flashes and people are congratulating us, and toasting us. Then it is the first dance. I slowly pull Grace onto the dance floor, and wrap my arms around her. Her arms respond and wrap around my neck, her fingertips tickling me. We slowly sway back and forth, our bodies pressed against each other. I bend my head so my mouth is pressed against her ear, and she shivers. "I love you," I say, my voice husky, and kiss her ear. She lifts her head off my chest so her brown eyes are on my yellow ones. Then she kisses me. "Surprise attack," she whispers. I chuckle. And then the first dance is over. I grab her hand and take her out to the hallway. I push her against the wall and put my arms on either side of her, locking her in. I put my face close to hers.

"Surprise attack."

I press my lips tightly on hers, my tongue dancing with hers. I push my hips against hers, moving ever so slightly. She moans softly, and the sound arises certain feelings in me. She moans again, louder this time, as she feels my erection push against her. I moan too. Then I pull away, and she looks up at me with curiosity and hurt in her eyes.

"Well this is hardly the time to do this, Grace," I say, my voice so low and husky it surprises me. She sighs and puts her hand up my shirt, running her fingers over the hair just below my belly button.

I shake slightly, and grab her hand as it starts to move downwards.

"Later," I tell her, wishing later was two seconds from now.

But still she slides towards me, persistent.

"God, you are stubborn," I mutter.

"Wow, down doggy!"

I whip around at the sound, a grin exploding on my face. I turn around and glance at Grace, and she there is a frown on her face. But then she grins.

"Cole!" she exclaims, and jumps toward him enveloping him in a hug.

"Da," he replies, a lazy look on his face, but excitement in his eyes. She lets him go, sticking her tongue out at him. He grins and sticks his tongue out back.

"Now, don't you think we're a little old for that? I mean we are mature 23 year olds," I ask, smirking.

"Whatever floats your boat, Ringo."

I walk forward and shake his hand, quickly giving him a hug.

"How are you and Isabelle?," Grace asks, leaning into me.

"We're good. The ice princess is just inside. And before you ask, snoopy, no we have not decided to tie the knot yet."

Grace looks oddly disappointed at this.

"Now, back to more important business," Cole says, a sly smile on his face. "I didn't know you guys were this dirty! Like really, go fuck each other at your honeymoon."

I immediately go red, and I know Grace has too. I grab her hand and push past Cole, trying to lose him in the crowd. We get lucky. But then I bump into someone. The ice princess. Oh joy.

She hugs Grace and me, smiling like a manic. "Grace you look beautiful. And Sam.. well Sam you look like a man!"

"Thank you?" I reply, uncertain if this is a compliment.

She hugs again, then walks away to find Cole. I look at Grace and see excitement written all over her face.

"Did you notice how Isabelle looks bigger?," she asks.

"Yeah, I guess she put on weight."

"That was not fat. She was round! Isabelle is pregnant, I'm sure of it!"

I glance at the crowd, and see Isabelle and Cole. Cole is looking fondly at her belly and rubbing it.

"Wow. Well it's none of our business."

Short, I know :3. I just hope you guys like it!! This is only the first chapter, and I'll be writing again soon.

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