Chapter 1

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Louis wasn't exactly sure when he decided to have an engagement party. Truth be told he wasn't even sure when he had wanted an engagement party. But alas here he stood in the middle of a crowded club surrounded by most of his friends. His arm wrapped around his beautiful bride to be, Eleanor's waist as she chatted with one of her friends.

He took a look around. Bodies moved to the beat and waitresses carried drinks above the writhing bodies. He was happy. Or as close to being happy with the doubt that had inadvertently bedded its self in his stomach. He hadn't thought the about proposing beforehand. Not when he had first met her, not a year into the relationship, hell not even two months ago. She'd really just been there to help him get over someone else. Then one date turned into two and the rest was history.

It'd been three years since they had met. He hadn't thought it through yet, the engagement part. It was an impulse buy. A 'maybe one day it will happen' buy. But then El had been cleaning out his closet-for what Louis still had no idea- and found the little blue box. She'd freaked out and the only thing that Louis could think to do was drop to one knee. The words were pouring out of his mouth before he had the chance to choke them back. Louis had never had issues with word vomit until that moment.

It wasn't that he didn't love her. Because he did. He loved her with all his heart, but it was more like how he love his little sisters rather than a lover. He spent his days feeling more like her best friend than her boyfriend-fiancé- and that wasn't right. But he knew that this was the better option. He loved her, she loved him. Why not do it? They made each other happy didn't they?

Now here he stood, half drank beer in his hands and El still chatting away with a friend. The packet of cigarettes burn in his back pocket. He'd promised himself─ or El really─ that he'd quit. He hadn't exactly found the time or the heart to do so.

"Hey man! Congrats!" A familiar voice called out from behind Louis. For the first time that night Louis felt a genuine smile tug across his lips.

"Zayn, my man!" Louis yelled as he removed his arm from around El's back. He slapped his hand into the other boy's, pulling him in for a hug. Zayn's familiar cologne wafted into Louis' nostrils and some of the tension left Louis' body.

"How are you holding up?" Zayn asked quietly so that only Louis could hear.

Zayn had been his best friend since they were kids. Known each other for so long that they could write full length novels about each other. He was the only person that knew Louis inside and out. The only one who had seen him at his absolute worst and absolute best. He was Louis' keeper of secrets, not even Eleanor knew everything about him.

"About as well as you'd think."

Zayn nodded, brown eyes understanding.

Louis took the moment to say hello to Zayn's girlfriend Perrie. She kissed his cheek, she was also aware of Louis' past having met Zayn just after their last year in high school. He was thankful that they had managed to stay together for the last five years. Though he'd much rather they be at her and Zayn's engagement party than his.

"Pez, babe you look stunning."

Her big eyes lit up as she smiled before pulling Louis into a spine crushing hug.

"Aw, Lou-Bear you clean up nice too."

He hid a smirk into her blonde hair.

"Where is Liam? He not coming or what?" Louis asked glancing around looking for the other brown-eyed boy.

"Uh, yeah he's going to be late. He's bringing a date tonight. Said it was a surprise," Zayn said as he hugged El.

"Liam's met someone? That's so nice. He always seems so lonely." El commented from her place in Zayn's arms.

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