Chapter 6

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Louis woke to the bright light filtering in from the bedroom window. He felt a crick in his neck as he turned to look out the window. There was something heavy laying on top of him. He glanced down and was met with a head full of curls. It took him a moment to realize that it wasn't a dream. That Harry really was laying on top of him. That they really did─

Holy shit. His mind flashed back.

Harry's body pressed into his. Chest to chest. Louis' finger dug into the cage tattoo on Harry's side. Harry's breath was hot on his neck as he sucked a bruise onto the delicate skin. Harry's arm reached behind him and quickly flipped Louis over onto his stomach. His mouth seared the skin and left goose bumps in its wake. Louis' fingers twisted in the sheets. Harry's fingers were quick as they slipped down into the joggers Louis was wearing. He pulled them down, mouth following.

Louis didn't dare say a word for fear of breaking the spell that had been cast upon the two of them. He could feel Harry pressed against him. Jeans scratching at the exposed skin as Harry kissed his way back up. His lips found Louis' again and Louis gasped at the feel of Harry's tongue colliding with his own. He felt a coldness as Harry pushed off of him. He could hear Harry digging around in his bag. It was a second or two before he felt the coolness of Harry's slick fingers.

He bit his lips as Harry circled his rim once and slid a finger inside.

"Damn, you're so tight," Harry commented as he began to slide his finger in and out.

Louis hummed. "It's been a while remember."

Harry began to pick up pace. Louis body shivering with the anticipation of finally getting to feel Harry after so long. Harry must have added another finger because Louis could feel the stretch of muscle begin to burn.

"Okay, okay. I'm good," Louis said just as Harry's finger brushed against his prostate.

Harry slipped his fingers out and wiped them on the bed before snatching up the condom he'd set by Louis' head. He heard Harry tear it, a few seconds later he felt the tip of Harry's dick enter the first ring of muscle.

He willed his body to relax until he could feel Harry pressed up against his back. He gave Louis time to get adjusted and use- to being filled. When Louis grunted, giving the okay, Harry slowly began to move.

His thrust were slow at first but gained speed with each snap of hips. Louis had to keep his hands pressed against the head rest to keep from getting a concussion. Harry's mouth sucked bruises on every inch of his body. Louis could feel the build in his stomach as he inched closer and closer to his orgasm. Harry thrust twice more and Louis was done. He reached behind him to grab a hold of Harry's curls as a wave of endorphins washed over his body. Harry kept up the thrusts chasing his own orgasm. Breathes coming in hot puffs against Louis' skin.

"Wait," Louis whispered.

"What?" Harry said. "What's wrong?" He slipped out and Louis flipped over to face him.

"I wanna see you."

Harry stared at him for a moment. "You want to see me?"

Louis reached out and rolled the condom off of Harry's still hard dick. He wrapped his hand around Harry and began to give slow tugs. Harry gasped as his hand found Louis' sweaty hair. Louis sped his pumping as the breaths Harry was taking became more labored. His fingers tightened in Louis hair and that just made Louis want to make him come all that much more. He bent down and wrapped his mouth around the tip. Teasing a bit before taking Harry down full. It felt a bit weird, stretching muscles that hadn't been used in a while. He had to stop himself from gagging when Harry touched the back of his throat. Harry's finger began to pull on his hair and Louis felt him spill down his throat. Louis pulled off with a pop. He looked at Harry and wiped at his mouth. Harry smiled and collapsed next to him.

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