Chapter 7

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As Harry had predicted Liam had them up bright and early checked out and on the way to the airport in no time. The ride to the airport was calm and a bit disconcerting. Louis held Harry's hand in between them. Zayn the only one actually able to see them from his seat up front.

They pulled up to their terminal and piled their bags on a push cart. Louis held on to Harry's arm the whole way through bag check. The charm bracelet Harry had given him to give El sat heavily in his pocket, despite its delicate build. Louis rubbed at his arm and shuffled from foot to foot as they waited at their gate. He eventually excused himself and headed to the bathroom. A good splash of water on his face might make him feel less hot all over.

He cupped a hand full and dipped his face in before glancing at the mirror. His hair was held back by a beanie and his eyes were a striking blue. Perhaps it was the idea of going home and having Harry there with him. Perhaps not. He tried not to let the thought of going back to Eleanor in a few hours invade his mind. It was true though. In four and a half hours he would be landing in Houston and Eleanor and Perrie would be waiting for them. He'd hug her and kiss her all the while still being able to feel and smell Harry all over.

The opening of the bathroom door brought him back from his thoughts.

"You okay?" Harry asked, eyes meeting Louis' in the mirror.

"Define okay?"

Harry walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Louis said, turning in Harry's arms so that he could look up at the boy. "You know I miss the days when we were the same height."

Harry chuckled. "I don't I love being able to wrap around you." He paused. "And, I'm sorry that you're feeling so bad."

Louis nodded and patted Harry's chest. "Don't be, it's not your fault. I messed this up." He pointed between the two of them. "Me, not you. Besides if I hadn't of wanted you, I'd have said no. And I didn't, either time. So, you don't get to feel bad for me."

Harry smiles and bends down to kiss Louis once. "Okay. It's going to suck not being able to kiss you again."

"Well, you better make it count now." And with that he laced his fingers in Harry's curls and pressed their lips together.

The plane ride home was a bit depressing and exciting all at the same time. Depressing because the longer they were on the plane, the closer he got to being with Eleanor and giving Harry up all together. Louis didn't want to think about that. Not when Harry was pressed up against his side, laughing like a hyena at his jokes.

It was exciting because he and Harry actually got to talk about the past few years. Without worrying about pissing the other one off. Louis got to hear about the relationships that Harry had formed in L.A. Got to find out how he and Niall decided to put their music on YouTube. How much Harry had grown in his writing.

More importantly Louis got to be with Harry like he had in the past. Something about that made Louis feel like crying and laughing at the same time. He had accepted that he and Harry would never be the same as they were. Yet here they sat, sharing a pair of headphones and giggling like school girls.

He'd fallen asleep somewhere between listening to Madonna's Like a Prayer for the umpteenth time and Harry telling a very long story about a cat he'd rescued. Harry nudged Louis' head from where it was resting on his shoulder.

"We're landing. Buckle up," he whispered.

Louis nodded as his stomach began to churn. This was it, after this there would never be a Harry and Louis. Just Louis and Eleanor. He wasn't sure he was ready for that. He squeezed Harry's hand once.
"I forgive you by the way." Harry said quietly.

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