Chapter 3

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The sun beats down on Louis and the guys as they slide into a booth at one of the diners outside of the strip. Zayn lets his head rest against Liam's shoulder as Louis massages his own temples. Harry sits opposite him, he doesn't look much better than the rest of them.

"I am death," Zayn moans.

"Shut up death," Niall says, pushing Zayn off of Liam just to claim him for himself.

Louis stifles a laugh at them before saying, "Knock it off the both of you."

The retort that must have been on Niall's tongue dies the moment their waitress approaches.

"Hello boys, I'm Martha and I will be your waitress this morning. What can I get for you?" Her face is slightly lined and her greying red hair is tied up in a tight bun.

"Coffee," They answer in unison.

"Rough night?" she asks.

"My head feels like the Macey's Thanksgiving Day parade is having rehearsals inside of it," Zayn comments, head lying flat on the hard table. "Who ever said bachelor parties in Vegas were the shit lied."

She smiles at them, "Whose getting married?"

Four sets of pointer fingers all move to Louis' direction and he shrugs.

"I have the perfect thing for you guys." She scribbles something on her notepad and turns to walk off.

Harry leans back and flicks his sunglasses down over his eyes. Louis takes this moment to study him. The way his shoulders slouch slightly from a lack of sleep. His curls are still damp from the shower he had taken this morning. This morning. This morning when Louis and Harry had woken up tangled around each other, Harry's hair tickling Louis' mouth. Even with Harry being bigger he still managed to be the little spoon. It had been a strange awakening, neither one of them said anything, Louis opting to avoid any kind of talking went straight to the shower to wash off the grime of the club. He'd waited for Harry to take his and then they made their way to meet the boys in the lobby. Still not mentioning their wake up.

A few minutes later Martha appeared with five coffee cups balancing on a try in her hand. She sat them in front of them and said, "Food will be ready in about five."

"Thank you," Liam says, ever the polite one.

They sit for a while in silence just sipping at their coffees. Louis scrunches his face at the taste of his, he'd prefer it to be tea but beggars can't be choosers, right? The sun is warm on his face and the smell of freshly cooked eggs makes his stomach grumble. He can feel Zayn's leg tucked underneath his own now that he is sitting beside him. Something in the touch makes the dizziness fade a bit almost like it's grounding him. He takes another sip, savoring the sweetness as it warms his throat and clears his foggy mind.

"Here you go boys." Martha says, setting down a giant tray holding five plates on it.

She sets a plate down in front of each of them, piled on with fried eggs, sausage and bacon. A stack of pancakes sit on a plate all their own along with dry toast. Louis smiles at her.

"There you go kiddos. This should take care of any lingering alcohol in your systems."

"Thanks you so much," Louis says, reaching out to grab a pancake with his fork.

"No, problem. You boys have a fun time. Be safe."

"Yes, Ma'am." They reply.

She leaves them to dig in. For a good minuet the only sound is that of knives and forks scratching porcelain plates and smacking. Louis tries some of the sausage but the taste makes his already unsettled stomach churn. He sticks with the pancakes and eggs. His foot catches Harry's when he moves to adjust his position. Harry pulls back a bit and Louis tries not to let it bother him too much.

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