Chapter 2

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Louis watched as Harry bent over the counter, pen stuck between his lips. The intense concentration etched into his features. Louis isn't sure what he's doing but he's not going to complain. Not when he has a perfect view of Harry's curves and the images that comes with that.

"I can feel you staring at me," Harry says, mouth still tight around the pen.

"Well, we do have the place to ourselves. Why don't you put those lips of yours to good use?" Louis says as he leans back against the counter. A pointed look at Harry's mouth, then at his own crotch.

Harry squints at him and before removing the pen from his mouth. He walks the two steps it takes to get to Louis, pressing up against him. Their lips meet for just a second, Harry's hands trailing down his stomach, ghosting over the zipper of his pants. Harry's mouth moves from Louis' lips to his neck. Louis' eyes close and all he can feel is Harry's fingers at his zipper.

"Louis! Lou!"

Huh? Wait. Wait that's not... Harry? That's not Harry's voice. That's─

Louis opens his eyes to the light brown color of his walls. It had been a month and Louis still couldn't get away from his thoughts and dreams, memories really. His bachelor party was looming overhead. Days, really. The wedding just behind that. He'd hung out with Niall though more often. Ever since he and Liam had officially started dating. Louis is still trying to remember when Niall had started liking the same sex. Then again there had been a lot that could happen in the span of five years. Though in the beginning it had been tough. Being with Niall but not Harry at the same time. He'd forgotten how much he'd missed the blonde headed boy, with his loud laugh and sometimes vulgar language. He'd missed him more than he probably had the right to. Not nearly as much as he had missed Harry though.

He still remembers waiting by his phone, making sure the volume was at its max. After his flight and another four hours of just staring at his phone, there had been nothing. Not a call, not a text, hell there hadn't even been an email. Louis knows he should have called Harry himself but he'd been too hurt to think about it. By the time he'd gained enough courage to even pull up Harry's contact it had been too late. He'd gotten Harry's voice mail again and again and that was that.

It was a shame though really. They had been so good together, not just him and Harry but all of them. Zayn and Niall being the off set to Harry and Louis. They had been the four best of friends. Always together, places set at tables in case they stayed for dinner. Clothes ending up in each- others laundry to the point where everyone claimed everything as shared. Sometimes while they were hanging out now Louis felt like Liam would have fit right in with their group. Even on the slight chance that Harry would do more than barely acknowledge Louis presence on the rare occasions that he came with Niall.

"Babe!" Eleanor's voice called again.

He looked up from where he'd been staring at the patterns on the blanket. She really was beautiful. Standing there with her dark hair pulled back into a tight bun, skinny jeans that made her legs look a mile long and her eyes lined with just the right amount of make up to make them pop. Her slender hand was placed on her hip, a frown growing on her pink lips.

"Sorry, love. What is it?"

"I said have you seen my Michael Kors bag? The white and gold one. Perrie wants to borrow it for Miami and I can't seem to find it anywhere."

"It's in the back of the closet behind my suit case."

"Thank you." She smiles and pulls his face in and kisses him. "I love you husband."

Husband. He liked the sound of that. Just not so positive about it coming from her mouth.

"You're welcome sunshine."

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