Chapter Six

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She's groggy and feels a little dehydrated from all the liquid that spilled from her body last night. Her temples are a little sore but thankfully, it's nothing like a hangover. It's pitch-black in her room so she knows it's still the middle of the night, but how late?

Dammit. Emma.

She reaches for her phone to discover it shoved under her pillow. She squints against the blinding light to realize that it's two in the morning. She groans, calling her wife before she can think twice about it and how late it really is. It takes two rings before a very scratchy, yet concerned voice is coming through the line.

"Gina? You okay? What happened? You didn't call."

"I'm sorry," she mumbles, cuddling back into her pillow and closing her eyes so she can pretend her wife is in this bed with her like many years ago. "I crashed. I came in, got into my sweats, and passed out."

She ignores her wife's exaggerated sigh.

"I was worried. You okay? What happened with Cora?"

"She's trying to make amends-"

"What? Regina, I don't-"

"It is way too late for your shrieking," she grumbles against her pillow. "I'm so tired. Exhausted. Can we talk about my mother another time?"

"Sure," Emma mutters under her breath, expressing how unsure she truly is. "I want to come there."

"You don't trust me?"

"I do. I just miss you." Emma groans through her misery. "I never considered how weird it would be to not sleep next to you. I hate it. I can't sleep."

"Why do you think I adopted Lola," she sleepily replies.

"I miss her too."

"I know. She would be cuddling with you right now," Regina wistfully says because she misses that dog so damn much.

Lola was more than just family and there isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't miss that cuddly creature.

"Izzy is sleeping next to me."

"Emma, you're going to ruin her."

"It's just one night. I couldn't sleep tonight. I was worried about you."

"I understand your concerns and fears but for my peace of mind, I need to see where this all leads with Cora."

"I'm not talking about Cora, I really do miss you like crazy. We haven't been apart like this since you got help and that was pure hell too."

"I know, Em. I miss you so much and the kids...can you send me more videos of them throughout the day? I don't want to miss a thing."

"You're not missing much. Mostly swimming in your pool and down by the beach."

"It's our pool."

"It was your pool before me."

Regina grunts against her pillow and yes, she is missing the safety and security of her wife's arms too much tonight. "Are you going to take the kids to Disney?"

"I think so. Izzy is dying to go and Henry thinks it will be cool to see all the comparisons to Disney World. My mom is swooning, of course," and Regina can just see those eyes rolling but it's accompanied by a crooked grin. "She's booking the boutique for Izzy, with the fancy princess dress and special hair and makeup. Henry wants to build his own BB8. I love how he's still into it even though he's getting older."

And Regina falls fast asleep to the sound of her wife's soothing voice like her personal lullaby.


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