Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Will you give me that phone? It's going to drive you insane," Emma states, reaching for the device but Regina is already slamming the phone into her palm.

"I look terrified in every picture," she scoffs, anxiously nibbling on her thumbnail as she sits cross-legged from Emma on the back of the bus.

"That's because it was scary as fuck," Emma demands. "The fans are getting crazier and more extreme."

"And so are the comments on social media."

"Which is exactly why we stay away," Emma firmly commands, running her hand up a very tense thigh. "Come here," she urges, squeezing Regina's thigh to coax her into coming closer.

Regina sighs, slinging one leg over Emma's waist before settling down on her hips and thighs. "I wasn't only checking those comments..."

"Still couldn't find her under that hashtag?"

"Not that I could see," she admits in defeat.

"I'm sorry," Emma pouts while her loving hands caress up and down Regina's thighs, relaxing those stiff muscles. "Maybe she will figure it out soon."

"I hope so," Regina mumbles under her breath.

Unexpectedly, the bus jumps, indicating that Guy must have run over something that he didn't see in the night. Regina tumbles forward, her fists landing on either side of Emma's wild locks.

"Hi," Emma grins up at her, clenching her hips and thrusting against Regina's weight.

"Hello," she flirts back, batting her long lashes.

Emerald eyes quickly morph into a deep forest green as Emma stares so intently into her eyes. She immediately feels the shift in the air as it grows thicker and heavier, filled with an electric buzz that could shock them at any given moment. A salacious grin creeps across Emma's face as her sneaky hands slip beneath her shorts.

She never takes her eyes off her wife, almost daring her to make the next move and well, Emma has never backed down from a challenge. Emma arches one eyebrow as her thumbs softly stroke the inside of Regina's thighs. It's on pure instinct that Regina's hips thrust forward, seeking attention she knows she will never find because there's a twinkle in her wife's eye, informing her that she's in the mood to tease.

Emma's warm thumbs glide up her inner thighs, lightly caressing to tickle and send too many sensations to rocket through Regina's body. She bites down on absolutely nothing to keep her body in check but the light and seductive touch is already driving her mad.

She hums, rolling her hips, wordlessly begging for those fingers to drift a little closer and fill her up deliciously. Except, Emma has other plans, for example, tracing the outline of Regina's vagina, never truly touching anything of importance. A simple game of mocking.

And Emma knows it too by that evil smirk dancing along the side of her pretty face. Regina's nostrils flare, her eyes hardening and ready to jab at Emma for being such a tease but her wife finds it even more amusing.

Those talented thumbs proceed, never faltering as they sweep up and down Regina's labia as if she's bored. Regina tries to suppress the shiver running from the base of her skull all the way down to her toes but she doesn't seem to have any control over her body when it's so hypnotized by her wife's touch.

Regina's hips rock forward, heat spreading through her veins like spilled oil. Yet, Emma refuses to touch her anywhere else and that only seems to heighten Regina's senses and make her crave Emma even more.

Emma tilts her head to the side, and maybe she's studying the way she is effecting Regina or maybe she's trying to pretend like she doesn't have her hands in Regina's pants and is deliberately teasing her. The pads of her thumbs stroke softly down Regina's silky folds, seducing more of that thick liquid to come pouring out. She already knows she has officially ruined her underwear. She can feel the wetness soaking her thong and if Emma's finger was to slip just the slightest, she would be coated in Regina's essence.

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