Chapter 2: Beatings

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Recap: As I'm walking out of school someone grabs me and pins me against the lockers.
"What's wrong stiff, am I hurting you?" Zeke asks sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Zeke I don't wanna hurt you so I suggest you get off of me and walk away." I say spitting in his face a little.

"What are you gonna do, pipsqueak?" That comment set me off. He doesn't know I take self defense ever since my ex Peter raped and beat me. I quickly punch him and and kick him in his "area" and flip us over so I'm holding him against the lockers. I grab the knife from my boot and hold it to his neck.

"What was that, Eziekel?" I say emphasizing his name.

"Put him down, Tris." I know that voice anywhere... Four. Ugh I hate him so much.

"Nah, I'm comfy right here." I say smirking.

"TRIS!" uh oooooh.... I turn around letting Zeke go, and see my Aunt Tori...

"Heeeey Aunt Tori, watcha doing?" I say hiding my knife back in my boot.

"Schools over get out of the halls and Tris give me your weapons I'll give them back tomorrow at your house."

"Ugh fiiiine!" I groan and pull my knife back out my boot, my pistol out of my leg strap that's kinda like a garder, my dagger out of the inside of my jacket, and my taser out of my bra. I see the guys staring wide eyes with their mouths in an "O" I just smirk and say,

"So... Wanna ask the 'pipsqueak' anything else boys?!" They just shake their heads no fast.

"Good.... Bye Tori, Uriah, Eziekel, Tobias..." and with that I walk out the doors not before shoving Four with my shoulder.

When I get home I walk in and see my mom rushing around.

"Hi sweetheart! I'm going on the normal business trip! Don't cause any trouble to your father! I love you!" and she walks out... Yaaaay note the sarcasm. One thing I didn't tell you is every time my mom leaves on a trip my dad abuses me and orders my brother around. I would switch with Caleb any day but I would hate to see him in that pain. My dad walks out with an evil smile. I know the drill, I turn around and put my hands on the wall. And out comes the belt.
_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_Tobias POV

I got home and made dinner and walked up stairs to tell satan, my father. He pulled me back and had something in his hand. Oh no! It's the sculpture my mother gave me when Marcus wasn't looking! I'm not allowed to have anything from her!

"What is this?" He shouts and slides his belt I turn around put my hands on the wall and wait for the beating. I felt the first lash.

After an hour, Marcus started kicking and punching me really hard. He left and I heard his tires screech away. I did my best to get up but after about half an hour I made my way to the car and drove to a place I felt safe, the Pedrads. They know what Marcus does to me and their mom helps me. I knock lightly on the door because I'm too weak and about to collapse. They opened the door and gasped and brought me inside. They take me downstairs and their mom starts treating my wounds. Half way through I hear a loud knock on the door and Uriah answered it. I heard a scream of pain, then some fighting and hear Uriah yell, "It's just Tris!" What?!? Why is she here?!? Then he yells, "ZEKE IM GOING TO THE HOSPITAL! ILL BE BACK IN AN HOUR! TAKE CARE OF YOU KNOW WHO!"

I feel myself get picked up and put in a car, then that's when I black out.

Tris POV (before Pedrads scene)

My beating was the usual but something was off he wasn't hitting as hard as usual... then I found out why. I turned and saw my dad holding a pistol.

"Why would you threaten that boy at school! Do you know how much trouble I could've gotten in for my poor excuse of a child!?!?" He aims at me and I take off through the door running to a house I will regret but I want to live! I suddenly feel a searing pain in my shoulder. THAT BASTARD SHOT ME! I run up to the door of the Pedrads and Uriah answers it with a worried look but it turns into disgust when he sees me.

"What are you doi-" I cut him off by running past him.

"Uri! Who was it I could use some help down here!" I guess Zeke shouts from the basement.

"It's just Tris!" He yells back sounding annoyed.

"Uriah, it's just wonderful to see you too but I'm starting to black out!" I say sarcastically. "So can you please drive me to the hospital I'm seeing spots!"

"Uh yeah sure! ZEKE IM GOING TO THE HOSPITAL! ILL BE BACK IN AN HOUR! TAKE CARE OF YOU KNOW WHO!" I would ask who but I just need to get a bullet out of my shoulder. I feel Uriah pick me up and carry me to the car.

I wake up wincing a little and see I'm in a hospital. In the corner of my eye though, I see another bed and a figure just now waking up. Then I see who it is...

It's Four.

A/N: Hiya! So, I'm getting a new phone and tonight I'm gonna try SO hard to send everything that's prewritten to my computer tonight. Well sorry if it sucks, it's just some insight. The next chapter will be awesome! Btw: I know the middle and guy in right are Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller, so I guess the guy on the right is Theo!

Well Stay Happy!


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