Chapter 1: Clique Wars

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Tris P.O.V.



I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and it breaks, whoops. And get ready for school. For my outfit I pick a sleeveless dark blue plaid shirt, blacks shorts, my signature leather jacket, my black shoes with spikes on the heel, and two bracelets. For makeup I do my normal look mascara, cat eye eye liner, and bright red lip stick. I grab by black leather back pack with gold spikes and head to my black Harley, if you haven't notice my favorite color is black.

I get to school and everyone stares at me. Probably because I'm one of the two only people who own a motorcycle in our school, the other one's Four, but I'll get to him later. I take my helmet off and run a hand through my hair earning whistles from guys and glares from girls. I just smirk and walk while people clear a path for me to my clique.

You're probably wondering who I am, and why all the attention. Well, I'm Tris Prior, the most popular girl in Divergent High. I'm the leader of the most popular clique in school. Well, tied for first with another clique lead by Four with his idiot friends Zeke and Uriah, they're brothers. My gang consists of Marlene the sweet one, Shauna the sassy one, Lynn the mean one, Christina the talkative one, Will the smart guy, who got stuck with us when he started to date Chris. So that just leaves me, Tris Prior, the badass. All guys stare at me because I have a big butt and abs. I have normal size boobs because I work out and play sports. Well, we hate Four's clique. It's like World War III between me and Four especially. But also yeah, since I'm popular and fit and single every guy hits on me, sometimes even Zeke and Uriah, I just punch them and get on with my day. It's really annoying.

So I lead my group and we burst through the doors and walk to the office.

"Tris Prior, Christina Kravitz, Marlene Waterhouse, Lynn and Shauna Salazar, and Will Hughes." I say to the receptionist lady. She hands us all our schedules and I read mine.

Prior, Beatrice

Grade 11

Locker #640

Combination- 27-34-48

1st: Homeroom- Mrs. Janet 8:30-9:30

2nd: Art-Ms. Wu (my aunt) 9:35-10:10

3rd: Science-Ms. Matthews 10:15-11:00

4th: Literature- Ms. Roth 11:05-12:00

5th: Lunch 12:00- 1:00

6th: Math- Mrs. Havard 1:05-1:45

7th: Free Period 1:45-2:15

8th: P.E.- Amar/Max (my sorta uncle, engaged to Tori)

This is the classes I have with my group.

Lynn and Chris-all classes

Marlene-all but 4th and 2nd

Shauna- only 2nd and 6th

Will: only 5th, 8th, 1st, and 2nd (rest are honors for him)

We walk to the first class and sit by each other. Then this woman who looks 90 walks in and takes roll. Then she just falls asleep. Some kid dares me and Chris to go up and twerk by her face. We go up to her and everyone is holding in laughter watching us. Chris and I put and our butts on either side of her face and one leg on the board and started twerking. She stays asleep, it is so funny. I go up to my desk and grab my bag and walk to the door saying I'm going to get a drink. I go to my bike outside and ride to McDonalds and get an ice-cream and a bottle of water and ride back to school with 30 minutes left of class. I walk in the classroom and go to my seat and eat my ice-cream cone. Uriah comes past me and shoves it in my face, a few people chuckle and laugh while his friends high five him. I roll my eyes and wipe it off with a napkin. Everyone stops laughing when I stand up. Uriah's back is turned away from me, so I go up behind him. I snatch his arm and before he can do anything I push on his pressure point and he faints. Everyone stares at me, but I just walk back to my seat.

When the bell rings, Uriah is starting to wake up, but he doesn't know he has to wait 5 minutes before you can walk. I go up to him when he is standing up, and whisper,

"Timber," in his ear and tap his shoulder and he falls. The day went by in a blur until P.E. which I got to early from free period so I was already changed into my normal, a black and white sports bra, my Jordan sweat pants, my KDs, and my Nike Flaves. Then Eric, a freakshow with so many piercings in his face theres more metal than skin, walks up to me and holds me against the wall.

"Hey sexy." He says in my face.

"Go away jackass, I'm not in the mood for your crap right now." I say.

"I just want to talk to my girlfriend."

"I. Am. Not. Your. Girlfriend! Get that in your pea sized brain!" Then I punch his nose and hear a crack, sweep kick his feet and he falls with a thud. I kick his side a few times. Then Four's group comes around and sees Eric with a bloody nose on the floor and my split knuckles.

"What went down here stiff!" Zeke asks me.

"Stay out of my f***ing business." I says and kick Eric's side one more time making him groan and walk off. I wait in the gym for everyone. My group comes in 5 minutes later laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"We saw what you did to Eric." Shauna says.

"He needs to stay away from me. I'm very capable of killing him."

"OKAY CLASS TODAY WE ARE PLAYING BASKETBALL!" Amar's voice booms through the gym.

"Girls on one side, boys on the other. Except you Prior you're playing with the boys!" Uncle Max says. I'm the only girl who plays basketball. I have been for 9 years.

"Alright I pick teams!" Amar walks over and Max goes to the girls side. He writes the teams and who's playing on a white board.

Team 1: Uriah, Tris, Dylan, Edward, Will


Team 2: Zeke, Four, Eric, Jackson, Hunter

"I hate everyone on team 2... this should be fun." I say to Dylan who smiles and fist bumps me.

"Okay start!" (I would probably go into to much details so TIME SKIP)

The score is 15-15 tied and its our ball with 12 seconds left. Edward's our point guard and passes it to me while I'm at half court. Time to show these guys who's boss. I put all my power and shoot the ball while at half court and... the ball goes in just as the buzzer rings! I throw my hands us and Edward comes up and he's so tall he's like a foot taller than me so he's like a giant. He puts me on his shoulder. All of the guys on my team come behind Edward and cheer. Four and Zeke are pouting and Uriah is making fun of them.

"Four! Zeke!" I shout. They look at me and I lift both my hands and flip them off.

"Edward you can put me down now." I say.

"Nah, you're so light!"

"Okay, well walk over there." I point to my friends. He walks over there and when they see me they start laughing. I do a back roll off Edward and land on my feet.

"Good job Tris!" He shouts and runs off to the locker room. I go to the locker room and change back into my clothes and put on my leather jacket and make sure all my weapons are on. I'll explain later. As I'm walking out of school someone grabs me and pins me against the lockers.

AN: Who do you think it is? Please comment, vote, and add to your lists! Sorry if it sucked😁 Stay happy!


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