Chapter 3: Hospital

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I wake up wincing a little and see I'm in a hospital. In the corner of my eye though, I see another bed and a figure just now waking up. Then I see who it is,

It's Four.


Tris POV

"What are you doing here?" We ask in unison.

"I was beaten to a pulp. Top that!" He says, even in pain we always try to top each other.

"I was beaten to a pulp, then shot in the shoulder, bitch!" I say.

"Eh I still get worse."

"Oh really I get this 3 weeks a month so a week off and sometimes not even that, the gun was an extra surprise."

"Who did this to you?" He asks, sorta sounding concerned. No he couldn't be!

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, just tell me, I think them and me would make a good team. Hating you and all." He says smirking.

"Too soon of a joke douchebag! Tell me how did rich boy get hurt? Someone finally show you what pain is?!"

"My father." He mumbles

"Me too." Then we just started talking.


After a while I noticed I was sitting on his bed because we just talked for about 2 hours joking around but a few serious moments about our fathers. He's not as bad as I imagined, we are a lot alike. Right now I'm laughing so hard I'm crying at a joke he said. I laugh so hard and fall on his chest.

"Sorry." I say shyly while pushing myself up. As I'm pulling myself up I notice our faces are 3 inches away. He keeps looking from my eyes to my lips, and I'm just frozen there as he starts to lean in. The next thing I know is Four and I are making out while I'm still on his chest. All I'm feeling is fireworks. His hands slide around my waist and mine snake around his neck. We hear a gasp and someone scream, "YEAH FOUR GET SOME!" I burst out laughing. And of course the Pedrads walk in.

"Soooo... Watcha guys doing?" Uriah says. I'm blushing like crazy! I slip off of Four's hospital bed on the floor and hide.

"So why is he here anyway? I thought he was at our house." Uriah says.

"Well when you said you were going I thought it was something important," he says looking at me, I just flip him off, "I thought why not take Four cause he was really bad but apparently so was Tris!" Zeke says.

"So how did this happen?" Uriah says. I got up and started to walk away of embarrassment but collapsed.

"Ow f**k!" I scream as a wave of pain goes over my foot.

"Oh yeah, your dad shot you in the foot and they got the bullet out but it still left a wound."

"Thanks for telling me!" I say sarcastically.

"Well you were kinda busy sucking Four's face off so we just thought not." Uriah says.

"Yeah about that, if you tell any of my girls, I don't care how big a crush you have on them! *cough* Shauna *cough* Marlene *cough* do not tell them! I will gouge your eyes out! I would never hear the end of it!" I yell laying back in my bed.

"Oh my God! You guys like Shauna and Marlene! I SHIP IT SHEKE AND URLENE! OMG!" Four says in a horrible girl voice which makes me laugh.

They both blush and mutter "shut up!"

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