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Me: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls I would like to introduce our characters Gail and Mike! [crowd cheering]

Gail: hello readers

Mike: what's up readers

Gail and Mike sit down at the table on the stage.

Me: ok so Gail is the female Mike is the male but why don't you readers ask some questions about them?

Reader: are you guy's friend, best friends or lovers

Gail: we are best friends

Mike: been friends since we were young

Reader 3: are you guys hero's or villains?

Gail: neither

Readers: neither?

Mike: we are anti- villains

Reader 2: what sexuality are you and what pronouns do you guys go by and are you guys gonna have a lover in this story?

Gail: I go by she/they and I bisexuality and yes I will have a lover

Mike: I go by he/they and I am gay and yes I will have a lover too

Reader 2: who will it be

Gail: Leo for me

Mike: Raph for me

Reader 3: do you guys have powers

Gail: yes, my powers will allow me to fly, control plants and fire, when I use my powers I have a spike as a tail and I can poison people with it but I can also heal people but I will be using more of my powers in the story

Mike: yes, when I use my powers my mark's around my eyes turn black and my eyes turn black to, I have sharp claws and sharp teeth and a sharp tail with spikes, I will be able to control shadow spiders but only three and I can move through the shadow unseen

Reader 3: what kind of shadow spiders can you control

Mike: scout being the smallest with toxin being the second and Gigi is almost three times bigger than me

Me: alright how about you tell us facts about you guys like what do you guys like to do and what your ages are?

Gail: oh I'm 15 and I like listening to music, drawing and animals

Mike: and I'm 16 and I like listening to music too, controlling my shadow spiders and hanging out with Gail

Gail: oh and one more thing before we begin our story me and Mike have a potty mouth and there with be some blood and if that makes you uncomfortable you can leave if you want... your staying awesome! Now that we have that aside let's go!

Me: places everyone!

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