Chapter 2

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Gail and Mike were hanging out on a rooftop in the night time. Gail had rollerskates on, while Mike had his skateboard. They were skating around doing tricks and playing around with each other until they heard something it sounded like running and they knew who it was they head towards the cheering sound and they saw the turtles running.

Mike stopped his skateboard and Gail turned sideways to stop her skates they looked towards us and Gail smiled.

Gail: hey guys

Leo: hey I'm glad you guys came

Mike: why?

Raph: we wanted you to meet someone but we have to find someone too so Mikey and Donnie will bring you two to him

Gail: ok

Mike POV
Me and Gail were guided into the sewers and into a secret area when we walked in we both saw a giant rat.

Master splinter: hello Gail and Mike

Gail: um... hello

Master splinter: come

Me and Gail followed the giant rat while Mikey and Donnie ran off to find the other person.

Me and Gail walk into a room and we sat down and we see the giant rat place down a cup of tea in front of me and Gail. Gail picks up the tea and drinks it a little bit while I just hold mine.

Master splinter: do you know why my sons brought you here?

Me and Gail looked at each other then we looked back towards master splinter and shook our heads no.

Master splinter: well I'm gonna tell you a story about your demons inside of you

Beginning of story

Your demons were best friends they fought bad together and always hanged out with each other but one day the nature demon got hurt badly the shadow demon wanted to save his friend but he had to help that's when he found a group of people that can heal his friend.

After the nature demon was healed she learned the ways of the healing and same with the shadow demon but couldn't get the hang of it. but they still stayed friends but one day the people told them some bad news.

They were gonna have to pick a human but the would probably effect there friend ship the demons were sad but they max a mission to find a perfect people that are best friends with each other so the demon set off on a journey to find a perfect friend ship.

But soon they found a perfect friends a girl named Gail and boy name Mike they made the decision and fused with them. After a few years the two friends still are friends to this day but no one knows where they are now.

End of story

My eyes were wide and same with Gail's

Gail: so our demons were hero's and friends!?

Master splinter: yes

Mike: wow

Just then we heard something and when we looked we saw the turtle and a girl with a bag on her head

When the turtles took off the bag off of the girls head she looked shocked.

Master splinter: you brought us here April

April: splinter?

Donnie: how does she know his name?

Leo: Did you tell her his name?

Donnie: maybe she's clairvoyant

Mikey: maybe she's a Jedi

Gail: maybe she's a demon

I elbow Gail in the shoulder

Splinter: come closer

April and the turtles came closer while me and Gail are still sitting

Master splinter: it's been a long time. Hmm. You always did have your father's eyes

April: I don't understand

Master splinter: don't be afraid all will be made clear

April: this is crazy

All the turtles sit down and April sat down in front of master splinter Leo sat next to Gail while Raph sat next to me.

Splinter: listen closely April. I don't remember a time before living in that laboratory. That fateful night started like any other yeah. Sacks gave us our injection. Your father made sure our vital signs were strong and you, as always, provided us with a special treat. After the brothers went to sleep, I heard loud noises. There was the smell of smoke. Alarm sounded. Your father had discovered the truth behind the man he was working for. He set fire to the lab. His last breath was taken trying to destroy shredders plan. I was terrified. But then, you appeared and ushered us to safety. I never had a voice then. But I thank you now, April. Mmm we wandered the sewers until I found this place. It was then the mutagen that was injected into our blood began to change us in miraculous Ways. I saw how your father loved you, and I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles. I became their father and they became my sons. Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture and I knew one day they would want to explore the world above. They would be ridiculed. They would need to learn to protect themselves both mentally and physically. And then I found a way. First, I would teach myself the ancient art of ninjutsu. The brothers followed my lead, accelerating at a wondrous rate! Their gift was also their passion. They lived breathed and dreamed all things martial arts. Then, they we're ready.

April: I was just a little girl

Master splinter: and you gave us freedom where others would have kept us in cages

Leo: wait a minute dad, all these years you told us we were rescued from the fire by a great guardian spirit the Hogo-sha

Master splinter: that's right and this is the Hogo-sha

April: what?

My eyes widen same with Gail's we heard of the Hogo-sha and it was a spirit that helped people me and Gail bowed and the turtles followed soon after except for Raph.

Mikey: my girlfriend's totally the Hogo-sha

Leo hits Mikey's arm

Mikey: ow

Gail giggles a little bit and I hit her arm.

The turtles and the nature demon and dark demonWhere stories live. Discover now