Chapter 10

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The turtles, Gail, Mike, April and Casey are in the lair and Casey is just looking around. Donnie was working on the purple ooze that April found at TCRI.

Donnie: If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream it's feasible that were I to pinpoint a singular isotope signature, I may be able to use it to track their location

Casey: and if we find them, then we find shredder put them all in shackles!

Raph: and as long as we have our hockey masks, what could go wrong? [chuckles]

Raph pops Mikey soccer ball with his hand.

Casey: seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice from a bunch of swamp things... Hey! Living in an underground amusement park, and have, forgive me the most pretentious names ever

April: Uh, excuse me, I named them

Mike looked mad because Casey called the turtles swamp things.

Mike: you better watch you say

Casey: oh please what are you gonna-

Casey got cut off by some rustling sounds. When he looked where the rustling sound was coming from he saw master splinter listening to music.

Casey: Hey, guys? Nobody move Don't move! There is a giant rat back there

Mike crossed his arms until he got an idea.

Mike: Yeah, we've, uh...Mmm-hmm seen him around here before

Raph and Mikey joined in after they got and idea of what Mike was up to. Leo got the idea too and tried to stop them by trying to say no.

Raph: you know, there's only one way to get rid of him you got to get low

Mikey: Low!

Mike: yeah when you go at him you got to go fast and you got to go hard

Mikey: We believe in you, Casey Jones, it's all you, bro

Raph: Exactly we need you to get him

Mike: three, two, one, go!

Casey runs at master splinter. Master splinter uses his tail to grab Casey's foot and throw him on the ground. Gail was trying to keep in a laugh, Mike smirked with his sharp teeth.

Master splinter: Giant rat, 1 new guy, 0

Mike, Mikey and Raph start laughing, Mike and Raph gave each other a fist bump.

Raph: I can't believe it was that easy

We all Circle Casey while he's on the ground.

Mike: I'm not gonna lie I almost thought he wasn't gonna do it for a second

Mikey: Good stuff good stuff

Mike: we should really have people over more often

Casey gets up and grabs his hockey stick and mask.

April: you're leaving?

Casey: if I can find my way out of here, I am you know, I was doing just fine tracking Bebop and Rocksteady, and then you just T-boned my existence so now I'm gonna find them or I'm gonna go down swinging

April: Casey...

Casey: No, it's like they say, "if you want to get work done, don't spend time at a zoo"

Casey stops and looks at the dump truck and the motorcycles that were parked by the garbage truck.

Casey: "Tartaruga brothers"? That's the... That's the truck it was them and the motorcycles it was them who are these guys?

April: these four have done more for this city than you will ever know or they will ever take credit for so if you want to go down swinging, these guys hit harder that anyone

Gail's POV
I was in my special outfit practicing my moves with my weapon, Leo was sitting next to me looking at my moves and dealing with his weapon. I was practicing my flips and slashes with my weapon but I couldn't land one flip. When I tried it again I almost had it but I fell.

Gail: got damn it!

Leo giggled, he got up and walked over to me and offered a hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up. I grab my weapon and got back into my fighting stance but before I could start Leo came up behind me and moved my hands a little bit.

Gail: uh... Leo what are you doing?

Leo: helping you out with you moves...and done try that out now

When Leo stepped back I tried it again and I landed it. I was shocked and started cheering happily. I ran over to Leo and gave him a big hug.

Gail: thank you babe

Leo hugs back.

Leo: your welcome

Leo sat back down and checked his blade until Donnie came in.

Donnie: Oh, my God Oh, my God Leo! Gail! Leo! Gail! Oh, my gosh This is amazing! Leo, Leo, okay you're not gonna believe this

Gail: what's up Donnie?

I walk over to Gail and Donnie and I noticed that Donnie had the purple ooze in his hand.

Donnie: Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite analysis of the isotope? But while I was waiting for it ti catalyze I started thinking, if the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered... watch this watch this it could turn us

Donnie drops three drops of the purple ooze on his hand and his three fingers turn into 5.

Donnie: into humans

My eyes widen at the sight. I look at Leo but he was walking away a little bit.

Donnie: if we could get our hands on more of this stuff, it could be life changing!

Gail: I don't like that Donnie

Leo: Gail's right, we don't need that kind of change

Donnie: Okay you guys are right to blend in with humans could compromise our strategic advantage we have a system that works

Gail: we shouldn't mess with the formula

Leo: and Donnie listen you cant say a word of this to the others, you either Gail

I looked sad but I nodded.

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