Chapter 14

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Gail was a little bit still worried because they had to fight the Kranng but at least she had her friends fighting beside her. The bus stops in front of the building the police officers head out. I saw some people with there cameras out recording what's going on.

Chief Vincent: Shields up! Okay, let's get them asea in

Jade: Tight form on that barricade!

Gail, Mike and the turtles walk off the police bus, the police block them with there shields. We make it into the building and we start to make it to the top.

Gail, Mike and the Turtles make it to the top of the building, Donnie puts on his goggles and looks at the Kranng's ship.

Donnie: This thing's 57% complete if we don't stop it now, it's gonna be ready to go in less than four minutes

Mikey: Guy, what are we waiting for?

Leo: you got this?

Raph: Yeah

Gail jumps up on the side of the building and smiles. Gail looks back at Mike and smirks, Mike smirks back. Gail and Mike transform into there demons form. Gail spreads her wings and jumps off the edge of the building. Mike follows and jumps after Gail.

Gail grabs Mikes hands and flys with him in her hands while the turtles jump onto some floating pieces of metal.

Mikes POV
Me, Gail and the turtles head for Kranngs ship.

Donnie: The beacon's location is somewhere near the command module a few hundred feet ahead

Leo: okay we're got to stop this thing from completing

Raph: and how are we supposed to do that?

I look in the middle of Kranng's ship and see a giant robot. Gail puts me down by the turtles and she lands on the floating peace of metal next to me.

Mike: Let's start with whatever that thing is

I point towards the giant robot in the middle.

Gail: what the hell is that thing?

Donnie: That must be Kranng

Leo: All right, fall in, guys!

We all jump down onto the ship, we slide down a piece of metal, heading towards the middle. We all make it to the middle where Kranng is me and Gail take out our weapons and get into our battle stance.

We slowly approach the giant robot.

Raph: Whoa it's not that bad, it's just a dumb robot

Mike: weird

Mikey: Huh I was expecting way worse

I make a 'what' face at Mikey.

Raph: and what would that look like?

Mikey: I don't know, like a mustache maybe? Evil goatee or something you know what I'm saying?

Just then an eye appears inside the Robot. Mikey screams and backs up.

Gail: what the fuck is that thing!?

Then there was something that came out and it was Kranng.

Mike: Holy shit!

Mikey: it's like a chewed-up piece of gum with a face!

Kranng: I'll only warn you once get off my ship!

Leo: Donnie, get to the console let's send this jacked-up disco ball back where it came from Hey, bubblicious, let's see what you've got

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